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Remarks in New York City Before the United Nations General Assembly Special Session Devoted to Disarmament
Ronald Reagan
Remarks in New York City to Employees of the United States Mission to the United Nations
Remarks in New York City at a Reception for Delegates to the State Republican Convention
Toasts of the President and United Nations Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar at a Luncheon in New York City
Statement on the Transfer of Federal Lands to Houston, Texas
Message to the Senate Transmitting the United States-China Agreement on Taxation of Transportation Income
Proclamation 4947—National Peach Month, 1982
Executive Order 12367—President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Statement on the Situation in Poland
Statement on the Cease-Fire in the Dispute Between the United Kingdom and Argentina in the Falkland Islands
Remarks at a Fund-raising Dinner for Governor William P. Clements, Jr., in Houston, Texas
Proclamation 4948—Baltic Freedom Day
Statement on the Death of King Khalid of Saudi Arabia
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean
Remarks Upon Returning From the Trip to Europe
Remarks to the People of Berlin
Remarks on Departure From Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany
Remarks on Arrival in Berlin
Proclamation 4946—National Child Abuse Prevention Week, 1982
Documents Issued at the Conclusion of the North Atlantic Council Meetings Held in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany