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Remarks in Los Angeles at a California Republican Party Fund-raising Dinner
Ronald Reagan
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Rockwell International Employees
Executive Order 12366—Presidential Commission on Broadcasting to Cuba
Remarks on Signing a Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Federal Energy Reorganization Legislation
Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Federal Energy Reorganization Legislation
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues
Executive Order 12364—The Presidential Management Intern Program
Executive Order 12365—Foreign Assistance and Arms Control
Remarks at a White House Meeting of Representatives and Supporters of International Youth Exchange Programs
Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Budget
Interview With Representatives of Western European Publications
Executive Order 12363—The Foreign Service of the United States
Remarks at a Fund-raising Dinner for Howard University
Remarks at a White House Reception for Members of the American-Retail Federation
Proclamation 4943—Amelia Earhart Day, 1982
Remarks of the President and King Hassan II of Morocco Following Their Meetings
Remarks Announcing the Formation of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Centennial Commission
Message to the Congress Reporting Budget Deferrals
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Prayer in School
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister J. Malcolm Fraser of Australia Following Their Meeting