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Message to the Congress Reporting on Developments Concerning the Declaration of a National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Ronald Reagan
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Fiscal Year 1983 Federal Budget Legislation
Remarks at a White House Ceremony in Observance of National Day of Prayer
Message on the Observance of Cinco de Mayo
Proclamation 4940—Import Fees on Certain Sugars, Sirups and Molasses
Proclamation 4941—Modification of Quotas on Certain Sugars, Sirups and Molasses
Statement on United States Imports of Sugars, Sirups, and Molasses
Proclamation 4939—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1982
Remarks at the Republican Congressional "Salute to President Ronald Reagan Dinner"
Exchange With Reporters Following a Visit With the Phillip Butler Family in Maryland
Statement on Action by the Senate Judiciary Committee Concerning Extension of the Voting Rights Act
Proclamation 4938—Application of Certain United States Laws to the Northern Mariana Islands
Radio Address to the Nation on the Program for Economic Recovery
Remarks at the Opening Ceremonies for the Knoxville International Energy Exposition (World's Fair) in Tennessee
Exchange With Reporters in Knoxville, Tennessee, on the Dispute Between the United Kingdom and Argentina in the Falkland Islands
Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for the U.S. Pavilion at the Knoxville International Energy Exposition (World's Fair) in Tennessee
Statement on the Situation in Poland
Exchange With Reporters on the Dispute Between the United Kingdom and Argentina in the Falkland Islands
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on the Program for Economic Recovery With Editors and Broadcasters From Midwestern States
Remarks at a White House Reception Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Folger Shakespeare Library