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Memorandum on Federal Credit Management
Ronald Reagan
Proclamation 4840—National Maritime Day, 1981
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Helen Thomas and Jim Gerstenzang on the President's Recovery Period
Proclamation 4838—Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust
Proclamation 4839—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1981
Message to the Senate on the United States-Canada Maritime Boundary Treaty and Fishery Agreement
Message to the Senate Transmitting the United States-British Virgin Islands Convention on Taxation and Fiscal Evasion
Statement on Federal Audiovisual Aids and Publications
Proclamation 4837—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, 1981
Statement on the Celebration of Passover and Easter
Statement on Actions Taken Against Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in the Federal Government
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report of the United States Sinai Support Mission
Statement on Federal Income Tax Reductions
Statement on Granting Pardons to W. Mark Felt and Edward S. Miller
Proclamation 4835—Import Quota on Peanuts
Proclamation 4836—Loyalty Day, 1981
Statement on the Landing of the Space Shuttle Columbia Following Its Inaugural Flight
Statement on the Death of Former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis
Statement Honoring the Freed American Hostages
Proclamation 4834—Mother's Day, 1981