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Statement on the Meeting With President-designate Roberto Viola of Argentina
Ronald Reagan
Remarks at the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Dinner Honoring Secretary of Agriculture Block
Statement on St. Patrick's Day
Toast at a St. Patrick's Day Luncheon Hosted by the Irish Ambassador
Executive Order 12299—Presidential Advisory Board on Ambassadorial Appointments
Remarks on the Program for Economic Recovery at a Breakfast Meeting With the Republican Congressional Leadership
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session on the Program for Economic Recovery at a White House Luncheon for Congressional Women
Remarks at a Reception for Members of the Associated General Contractors of America
Proclamation 4825—National Farm Safety Week, 1981
Statement on the Westway Highway Project in New York, New York
Remarks Outside Angelo's Restaurant in New York, New York
Exchange With Reporters in New York, New York
Remarks Announcing Additional Federal Aid for the Investigation of the Murdered and Missing Youth in Atlanta, Georgia
Statement on the National Defense Stockpile of Strategic and Critical Materials
Proclamation 4824—National Poison Prevention Week, 1981
Executive Order 12297—International Coffee Agreement 1976
Executive Order 12298—Lake Tahoe Region
Memorandum on Federal Cooperation With the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada Before a Joint Session of the Parliament in Ottawa
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada on the United States-Canadian Discussions in Ottawa