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Dinner Remarks and Toast at the Quirinal Palace in Rome, Italy
Woodrow Wilson
Remarks at the Capitol in Rome, Italy
Address to the Italian Parliament in Rome
Remarks at a Luncheon at the Midland Hotel in Manchester, England
Address at Free Trade Hall in Manchester, England
Remarks to the Committee of National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches in London, England
Remarks to the League of Nations Union at the American Embassy in London, England
Address at Guild Hall in London, England
Remarks at Mansion House in London, England
Remarks at Buckingham Palace in London, England
Remarks at Dover, England
Remarks at the Hotel de Ville in Chaumont, France
Remarks to United States Soldiers at Humes, France
Remarks at the University of Paris
Sixth Annual Message
Proclamation 1496—Thanksgiving Day, 1918
Address to a Joint Session of Congress Concerning the Terms of Armistice Signed by Germany
Statement Appealing to the Nation for Support in the 1918 Congressional Election
Address to the Senate on the Nineteenth Amendment
Proclamation 1473—Issuance of Passports and Granting of Permits to Depart from and Enter the United States