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Statement Deploring Mob Spirit
Woodrow Wilson
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval the Post Office Department Appropriation Bill
Address to Joint Session of Congress on Currency Legislation
Executive Order 2868—Establishment of War Industries Board
Address to Congress On the Need for Increased Taxation for War Purposes
Address Opening the Campaign for the Second Red Cross Fund in New York City
Executive Order 2859—National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences
Proclamation 1445—Decoration Day, 1918
Proclamation 1444—Red Cross Week
Speech at the Opening of the Third Liberty Loan Campaign, delivered in the Fifth Regiment Armory, Baltimore: "Force to the Utmost"
Proclamation 1433—Opening to Settlement Certain Lands on the Former Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana
Letter to Bernard M. Baruch Requesting Acceptance of Nomination as Chair of the War Industries Board
Address to Congress on International Order
Executive Order 2796—Prescribing Rules and Regulations Under Section 5 of the Trading with the Enemy Act and Supplementing Rules and Regulations Heretofore Prescribed Under Title 7 of the Espionage Act
Executive Order 2789—Military Reservation for the National Guard
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on the Conditions of Peace ["The Fourteen Points"]
Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Government Administration of Railways
Executive Order 2778—Relating to Indians on Public Domain
Executive Order 2777—Rules for the Government of the Virgin Islands
Proclamation 1419—Government Assumption of Control of Transportation Systems