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Executive Order 2020—To Amend the Executive Order of April 15, 1913, Entitled: "Executive Order to Provide Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal Zone and the Harbors of the Cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama."
Woodrow Wilson
Executive Order 2021—Amending the Rules Governing the Granting of Passports
Executive Order 2022—Temporarily Abolishing Fees for Passports and Providing for Certification of Same
Executive Order 2016—Relating to the Customs Service and Providing for Fines for Dishonest Manifests in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 2017—Giving the Treasury Department Full Authority to All Customs Officers in the Enforcement of the Neutrality Laws During Emergency
Executive Order 2013—Establishing Board of Relief for Benefit of Americans Stranded Abroad During the European War of 1914
Executive Order 2012—For the Relief, Protection and Transportation Home of Americans in Europe at the Outbreak of the European War of 1914
Executive Order 2011—To Enforce Neutrality of Wireless Stations
Executive Order 2006—Establishing a Wireless Telegraph Station in the Canal Zone for Use of the Navy
Executive Order 1999—Governing the Inspection of Returns of Corporations, Joint Stock Companies, Associations, or Insurance Companies
Executive Order 1997—Amending the Civil Service Rules Providing for the Appointment of Aliens When No Citizens Are Available
Executive Order 1995—Military Reservation for National Guard
Orders to the Attorney General on Dissolution of New England Railroad Mergers
Executive Order 1988—To Require Ocean-Going Vessels to be Fitted With Wireless Apparatus
Address at Independence Hall: "The Meaning of Liberty
Executive Order 1959—Establishing Smith Island Reservation for the Protection of Native Birds
Annapolis Commencement Address
Address at Arlington National Cemetary: "Closing a Chapter"
Memorial Day Address
Executive Order 1944—To Create a Committee to Formally and Officially Open the Panama Canal