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Message to the Congress Transmitting Certified Copies of Franchises Granted by the Executive Council of Porto Rico
William Howard Taft
Message to the Congress Transmitting Reports of the Commission on Economy and Efficiency
Message to the Congress on Fur Seals
Executive Order 1655—Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians
Fourth Annual Message
Executive Order 1649—Altering Lands Composing the Moapa River Indian Reservation
Remarks to the Lotos Club in New York City
Proclamation 1225—Panama Canal Toll Rates
Address at the Opening Session of the Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy
Proclamation 1223—Thanksgiving Day, 1912
Telegram to Woodrow Wilson Conceding the Presidential Election
Statement Conceding the Presidential Election
Telegram to Charles D. Hilles on the Results of the Presidential Election
Proclamation—Announcing the Death of James Schoolcraft Sherman
Executive Order 1632—Addition of Lands to the Moapa River Indian Reservation
Executive Order 1621—Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians
Executive Order 1606—Reserving Land in Nevada for Indian Allotment Purposes
Executive Order 1603—Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use
Executive Order 1598—Eliminating Certain Lands from Reservation of Papago Indians
Memorandum to Accompany the Panama Canal Act