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Statement on the Death of Former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro
Jimmy Carter
Proclamation 4568—Application of Certain Laws of the United States to the Northern Mariana Islands
Executive Order 12057—National Advisory Committee for Women
Equal Employment Opportunity Enforcement Statement Issued Following the Completion of Congressional Consideration of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978.
Spokane, Washington Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Portland, Oregon Informal Exchange With Reporters Upon Departure From the Olson Residence.
Commemoration of the Victory at Puebla, Mexico Statement by the President.
Spokane, Washington Remarks at Dedication Ceremonies for Riverfront Park.
The President's News Conference
Denver, Colorado Remarks at a Meeting With Environmental, Community, and Governmental Leaders.
Los Angeles, California Remarks at the Senior Citizens Nutrition Center of the Watts Labor Community Action Committee.
Remarks at the 100th Anniversary Luncheon of the Los Angeles County Bar Association in Los Angeles, California
Portland, Oregon Remarks at a Reception for Community Leaders.
Denver, Colorado Remarks at the Governor's Annual Prayer Breakfast.
Bill Authorizing White House Conferences on the Arts and Humanities Statement on Signing H.J. Res. 649 Into Law.
Denver, Colorado Remarks at a Fundraising Reception for Senator Floyd K. Haskell.
Golden, Colorado Remarks at the Solar Energy Research Institute on South Table Mountain.
International Health Program Statement Announcing a Program To Strengthen U.S. Participation.
United States-Morocco Convention on Taxation and Fiscal Evasion Message to the Senate Transmitting the Convention.
Federal Council on the Aging Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report.
Remarks at the National Small Business Person of the Year Presentation Ceremony for Edward Gaffney
Message on the Observance of Better Hearing and Speech Month, May 1978
Message on the Observance of National Nursing Home Week, May 14-21, 1978
United States-Canada Reciprocal Fisheries Agreement Message to the Congress Transmitting the Agreement.
30th Anniversary of the State of Israel Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Menahem Begin at a White House Reception.
National Federation of Democratic Women Remarks at a White House Reception
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With a Group of Editors and News Directors.
Territory of Guam Message to the Congress Transmitting the Territory's Proposed Constitution.
Executive Order 12056—Civil Aeronautics Board
Tree-Planting Ceremony Remarks at the Planting of a Cedar of Lebanon on the White House Grounds.
Middle East Arms Sales Remarks by the Secretary of State on the Administration Proposals.
Proclamation 4567—Loyalty Day, 1978
Remarks on Signing Into Law a Bill Authorizing Grants for Institutes Honoring Senators Hubert H. Humphrey and Everett M. Dirksen
Memorandum From the President on Consumer Affairs
Export of Special Nuclear Material to India Message to the Congress Transmitting Executive Order 12055.
Executive Order 12055—Export of Special Nuclear Material to India
President's Commission on Mental Health Remarks on Receiving the Commission's Final Report.
President's Environmental Youth Awards Remarks on Presenting the Awards
Public Disclosure of Lobbying Legislation Statement on House of Representatives Approval of H.R. 8494.