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Executive Order 11971—Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Jimmy Carter
Proclamation 4486—National Poison Prevention Week, 1977
Alliance To Save Energy Statement on the Formation of the Organization.
Department of the Treasury Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees
Department of Housing and Urban Development Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees.
Letter to Representative Frank Thompson, Jr. on Issues Important in the 1976 Presidential Campaign
American Textile Manufacturers Institute Remarks to Members of the Institute.
Department of Labor Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees
Department of Commerce Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Department Employees
Conflict of Interest and Financial Guidelines Announcement of Two Exceptions Published by the Carter-Mondale Transition Group, With the President's Letters to the Two Nominees.
The President's News Conference
Special Representative for the Panama Canal Negotiations Designation of Sol M. Linowitz
Order Appointing Chairman and Members of the Presidential Advisory Board on Ambassadorial Appointments
Executive Order 11970—Presidential Advisory Board on Ambassadorial Appointments
Remarks on Transmitting Proposed Reorganization Plan Authority Legislation to the Congress
Reorganization Plan Authority Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Legislation.
Reorganization Plan Authority Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
Railroad Retirement Board Message to the Congress Transmitting an Annual Report.
United States Senate Youth Program Remarks of the President and Vice President to Participants in the Program.
President's Personal Emissary to Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus Designation of Clark M. Clifford
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977 and Related Documents
Proclamation 4485—Declaring a Natural Gas Emergency
Executive Order 11969—Administration of the Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977
REPORT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - Remarks From the White House Library
Vice President Mondale's Trip to Europe and Japan Remarks on Welcoming the Vice President Home.
Economic Recovery Program - Message to the Congress.
Executive Order 11968—Withholding of Income or Employment Taxes by Federal Agencies
The Energy Shortage Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the Westinghouse Plant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Energy Shortage Remarks on Returning From the Trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
United States Representative to the United Nations Remarks at the Swearing In of Andrew J. Young.
Natural Gas Emergency Text of a Telegram to the Governors of 12 States.
Ambassador-Designate Andrew Young's Trip to Africa Designation as United States Representative at Celebrations in Tanzania and Nigeria.
The Energy Shortage Remarks at a Meeting With the Cabinet.
Proclamation 4484—International Clergy Week, 1977
Remarks at the Annual National Prayer Breakfast
Secretary of Labor Remarks at the Swearing In of F. Ray Marshall.
West Chester, Pennsylvania, Students Question-and-Answer Session With Students From Stetson Junior High School.
Washington Press Club Dinner Remarks at the Annual Dinner Honoring New Members of Congress.
Natural Gas Legislation Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
Attorney General of the United States Remarks at the Swearing In of Griffin B. Bell.