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Proclamation 3744—Trade Agreement With Japan
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relating to the Shaw Junior High School in the District of Columbia.
Remarks at Georgetown University at the Signing of a Bill Extending the Peace Corps Act
The President's News Conference
Executive Order 11305—Authorizing the Secretary of Army and the Governor of the Canal Zone, Respectively, to Perform Certain Functions Relating to the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Military Construction Authorization Bill.
Veto of the Federal Employees Life Insurance Bill.
Executive Order 11303—Modifying Executive Order No. 9721, as Amended by Executive Order No. 10103, Providing For the Transfer of Personnel to Certain International Organizations
Executive Order 11304—Amending Executive Order No. 11175 Relating to the Exclusion For Original or New Canadian Issues Where Required for International Monetary Stability
Remarks at the Signing of a Bill To Stimulate Mortgage Credit for Residential Construction
Joint Statement Following Discussions With General Ne Win of Burma.
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury in Response to His Report on Management Improvements in the Coast Guard.
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Authorizing the San Juan Island National Historical Park, Washington
Remarks at the Signing of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act and the Highway Safety Act
Proclamation 3743—Further Implementing the United States-Canadian Agreement To Remove Duties on Automobiles and Automotive Products
Remarks at the Signing of the Urban Mass Transportation Act
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Department of Agriculture and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill.
The President's Toast at a Dinner in Honor of General Ne Win of Burma
Special Message to the Congress on Fiscal Policy.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to General Ne Win, Chairman of the Revolutionary Council of the Union of Burma
Statement by the President on the Rent Supplement Program Upon Signing the Independent Offices Appropriation Bill.
Remarks at a Reception Honoring American Artists, Winners in the Tchaikovsky International Music Competition in Moscow
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Revising and Codifying the Government's Personnel Legislation.
Proclamation 3742—National Civil Air Patrol Day
Executive Order 11302—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Allowance of Travel Expenses of Claimants and Beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration and Their Attendants
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Airport in Dayton, Ohio
Remarks at the Airport, Port Columbus, Ohio
Remarks at an AFL-CIO Rally in Detroit
Remarks Upon Arrival in Detroit on Beginning a Trip in Michigan and Ohio
Remarks in Dayton at the Montgomery County Fair
Remarks at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds, Lancaster, Ohio
Remarks at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Michigan
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Airport in Battle Creek
Remarks Upon Arrival in Charleston, W. Va., on Beginning a Trip in West Virginia and Pennsylvania
Remarks at Ceremonies Marking the 100th Anniversary of Dallastown, Pennsylvania
Remarks at the Dedication of the Summersville Dam, Summersville, West Virginia
Statement by the President: Labor Day.
Executive Order 11301—Establishing the President's Committee on Libraries and the National Advisory Commission on Libraries
Statement by the President in Response to a Report on the Labor Department's on-the-Job Training Programs.