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Special Message to the Congress Proposing Further Legislation To Strengthen Civil Rights
Lyndon B. Johnson
The President's Toast at a Dinner for Prime Minister Jens Otto Krag of Denmark
Remarks at the Swearing In of Robert L. Bennett as Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Remarks on Presenting the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Award to Dr. All Javan and Dr. Theodore H. Maiman
Statement by the President Upon Announcing the Appointment of the National Commission on Architectural Barriers to Rehabilitation of the Handicapped.
Telegram on the Death of Louis A. Johnson
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 3 of 1966: Public Health Service
The President's News Conference
Remarks in Baltimore at the Celebration of the Bicentennial of American Methodism.
Remarks at a Retirement Ceremony for Toinette M. Bachelder of the White House Staff
Remarks Upon Proclaiming National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week.
Proclamation 3718—National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation. Week, 1966
Letter to New Members of the President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy.
Remarks in Response to the Report of the National Commission on Community Health Services.
Executive Order 11276—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the Five Carriers Negotiating Committee and Certain of Their Employees
Remarks Upon Presenting the Medal of Honor (Posthumous) to the Father of Milton L. Olive III
Memorandum on Cost Reduction in the Federal Government
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Bill Encouraging the Substitution of Private for Public Credit
Statement by the President Upon Signing Resolution Supporting U.S. Participation in Food Relief for India.
Statement by the President on the First Privately Owned Facility for Reprocessing Fuel From Nuclear Powerplants.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relieving Certain Explorer Scouts From Duties on Imported Band Uniforms.
Proclamation 3717—State and Municipal Bond Week
Joint Statement Following Informal Discussions With President Diaz Ordaz of Mexico.
Remarks to the Staff at the American Embassy in Mexico City.
Remarks in Mexico City at the Dedication of the Abraham Lincoln Statue.
Remarks Upon Arrival at the International Airport in Mexico City
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bills Authorizing Disposals From the Stockpiles of Platinum and Bauxite.
Proclamation 3716—Loyalty Day, 1966
Statement by the President on the 1966 Youth Opportunity Campaign.
Statement by the President in Response to a Report of the Vice President's Task Force on Summer Domestic Programs.
Proclamation 3715—Designating the Cumberland National Forest, KY as Daniel Boone National Forest
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing an Official Residence for the Vice President.
Proclamation 3714—Sir Winston Churchill Day
Letter to Secretary Gardner Requesting a Progress Report on Preparations for Launching Medicare.
Remarks in San Antonio at the Signing of the Medicare Extension Bill
Letter to Archbishop Lucey Presenting Him With a Memory Book Recording the Occasion of His 50th Anniversary Luncheon.
Remarks Upon Accepting the Special Albert Lasker Award for Leadership in Health
Proclamation 3713—Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 1966
Remarks at a Program in Recognition of Cost Reduction Achievements by the Department of Agriculture.
Remarks at a Ceremony Honoring Mrs. Mona M. Dayton as "Teacher of the Year."