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Statement by the President on the Situation in the Dominican Republic.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks Upon Signing the Second Supplemental Appropriation Act
Statement by the President on the Meetings in Tokyo To Foster U.S.-Japanese Medical Cooperation.
Remarks at a Dinner for Presidential Appointees
Statement by the President Upon Ordering Troops Into the Dominican Republic.
Remarks Upon Accepting a Bust of Eleanor Roosevelt for the Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park.
Statement by the President on the Response of Defense Contractors to the Cost Reduction Program.
Remarks at the Swearing In of Admiral Raborn and Richard Helms as Director and Deputy Director, CIA.
The President's News Conference
Proclamation 3654—Mother's Day, 1965
Remarks Upon Signing the Manpower Act of 1965
Text of Five Presidential Unit Citations Awarded for Heroic Action in Viet-Nam.
Executive Order 11216—Designation of Vietnam and Waters Adjacent Thereto as a Combat Zone for the Purposes of Section 112 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
Remarks at the Azalea Festival in Norfolk, Virginia.
Executive Order 11217—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by he Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Increased Funds for Vocational Training of American Indians.
Executive Order 11218—Amending Executive Order No. 11017 so as to Make the Chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority a Member of the Recreation Advisory Council
Statement by the President on Approving a Recommendation for an International System To Monitor New Drugs.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Italy.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to the Prime Minister of Italy
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Aldo Moro of Italy
Statement by the President Following a Meeting With Eugene Black To Discuss Economic Progress in Southeast Asia
Statement by the President on the Eve of Senate Consideration of the Voting Rights Bill
Letter on Racial Discrimination in the Programs and Operations of the Department of Agriculture.
Letter to the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, in Response to Reports on Activities During 1964.
Statement by the President Announcing the Availability of the Neighborhood Youth Corps for Assistance in Disaster Areas.
Statement by the President: "Tragedy, Disappointment, and Progress" in Viet-Nam.
Statement by the President in Response to a Progress Report on the Neighborhood Youth Corps Program.
Remarks at the LBJ Ranch Upon Signing Bill Providing for Acreage-Poundage Tobacco Marketing Quotas
Remarks on Arrival at Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.
Remarks on Departing From Toledo.
Statement by the President on Departing for an Inspection Tour of Midwest Disaster Areas.
Remarks on Arrival at Toledo, Ohio.
Remarks on Arrival at South Bend, Indiana.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Proposing a New Powerplant at the Grand Coulee Dam.
Letter to the President of the Senate on the Foreign Service.
Statement by the President on the Economies Achieved by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Remarks to Members of Congress at a Reception Marking the Enactment of the Education Bill
Statement by the President on the 20th Anniversary of the Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Remarks in Johnson City, Tex., Upon Signing the Elementary and Secondary Education Bill