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Remarks to the Winners of the Hearst Foundation Journalism Awards
Lyndon B. Johnson
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of Korea.
Special Message to the Congress on Labor.
Statement by the President on Making Public a Memorandum on the Appropriation for Military Needs in Viet-Nam
Remarks on Project Head Start.
Statements by the President on Announcing U.S. Support for an International Program To Eradicate Smallpox.
Special Message to the Congress Recommending Reduction of Excise Taxes and Increases in User Charges
Toasts of the President and President Chung Hee Park of Korea
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to the President of Korea
Statement by the President on the Minting of Silver Dollars.
Remarks Upon Announcing Plans To Recommend a Reduction in Excise Taxes.
Further Statement by the President on the OAS Mission to the Dominican Republic.
Proclamation 3657—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1965
Remarks to Members of the American Association of School Administrators.
Memorandum on the Budget Preview and Program Planning for Fiscal Year 1967.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 2 of 1965: Environmental Science Services Administration
Remarks to the National Review Board for the East-West Center.
Executive Order 11224—Designation of Certain Foreign Countries as Economically Less Developed Countries for Purposes of the Interest Equalization Tax
Address to Members of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists: The Challenge of Human Need in Viet-Nam
Executive Order 11223—Relating to the Performance of Functions Authorized by the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended
Statement by the President on the Appalachian Region Highway Construction Program.
Special Message to the Congress on Increasing Federal Military and Civilian Pay Rates.
Proclamation 3656—Adding Ellis Island to the Statue of Liberty National Monument
Remarks Upon Signing Proclamation Adding Ellis Island to the Liberty Island National Monument.
Remarks to the National Association of Home Builders.
Statement by the President Upon Issuing Order Prescribing Standards of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees.
Remarks in the Capitol at the Presentation of the Veritas Medal to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
Statement by the President on the Need for a Review of Policy-Making Positions in the Executive Branch.
Statement by the President on the Work Performed in Disaster Areas by Members of the Neighborhood Youth Corps.
Greetings Telephoned to President Truman on the Occasion of His 81st Birthday.
Remarks by Telephone for the Dedication of the Sam Rayburn Dam in Texas.
Executive Order 11222—Prescribing Standards of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees
Proclamation 3655—Armed Forces Day
Remarks Broadcast on the 30th Anniversary of V-E Day.
Remarks Upon Signing Resolution Appropriating Funds for Military Requirements in Viet-Nam
Executive Order 11220—Transferring Lands in the State of Washington From the Okanogan National Forest to the Wenatchee National Forest
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Need for a Unified and Flexible Foreign Affairs Personnel System
Executive Order 11219—Providing for the Appointment in the Competitive Service of Certain Present and Former Officers and Employees of the Foreign Service
Executive Order 11221—Amendment of Executive Order No. 11126, Relating to the Status of Women
Remarks at the Presentation of Lifesaver Medals to 13 Members of School Safety Patrols