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New Year Greetings to Leaders of the Soviet Union.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President on the Appointment of Lloyd N. Hand To Succeed Angler B. Duke as Chief of Protocol.
Proclamation 3632—Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Executive Order 11190—Providing for the Screening of the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces
The President's News Conference
Message to Giuseppe Saragat Upon His Election as President of Italy.
Letter to Secretary McNamara Transmitting Final Report of the President's Committee on Equal Opportunity in the Armed Forces.
Statement by the President on the Appointment of John E. Home as Chairman, Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
Statement by the President on the Appointment of William I. Driver as Administrator of Veterans Affairs.
Christmas Message to the Americans in Viet-Nam.
Statement by the President in Response to Report Reviewing Gains in Government Employment of Minority Groups.
Remarks on the Decision To Build a Sea Level Canal and To Negotiate a New Treaty With Panama
Statement by the President on the New Level of Personal Income in the United States.
Remarks at the Lighting of the Nation's Christmas Tree
Remarks Upon Accepting a Ceremonial Pass to the 10th International Games for the Deaf.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Luther H. Hodges as Secretary of Commerce.
Remarks at a Televised Ceremony Marking the Change in Leadership at the Department of Commerce.
Statement by the President on the Launching of the Italian San Marco Satellite.
Remarks to the Members of a Delegation of Industrial Research Leaders Upon Their Return From the Soviet Union.
Letter to the Chairman, Federal Power Commission, in Response to the National Power Survey Report.
Remarks to Members of VISTA - "Volunteers in Service to America."
Remarks to the Members of the Economic Opportunity Council.
Remarks at the National Urban League's Community Action Assembly
Remarks at a Reception for the New Democrats in Congress.
Remarks Upon Receiving Report of the President's Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Harold Wilson
Message to President Segni of Italy.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to the New Prime Minister of Great Britain
Remarks at the Presentation of the Medal of Honor to Capt. Roger H. C. Donlon, USA.
Statement by the President on the November Employment Report.
Remarks at a Ceremony Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Government Employees' Incentive Awards Act
Statement by the President Upon Approving Civil Rights Regulations Covering the Programs of Federal Departments and Agencies.
Remarks at the 175th Anniversary Convocation of Georgetown University
Statement by the President on the Supersonic Transport Program.
Remarks at a Luncheon for Supporters of Radio Free Europe.
Remarks to the Members of the Business Council.
Remarks at the Ground-Breaking Ceremony for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Remarks Recorded for the Commissioning of the U.S.S. Sam Rayburn.
Remarks Upon Presenting the Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Thomas S. Power