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Remarks to the Faculty and Students of the French Institute of High Studies for National Defense.
John F. Kennedy
Letter to the President of the Association on American Indian Affairs.
Letter to General Clay in Response to a Report on the U.S. Military and Economic Assistance Programs.
Remarks at a Civic Luncheon in Chicago.
Remarks in Chicago at the Dedication of O'Hare International Airport.
Telegram to Governors of States Having Yet To Act on the Anti-Poll Tax Amendment.
The President's News Conference
Remarks at the Ambassador's Residence, San Jose, in Response to a Welcoming Declaration by Christian Democratic Youth
Remarks at El Coco Airport, Costa Rica, Upon Leaving for the United States.
Remarks at the University of Costa Rica in San Jose
Toasts of the President and President Somoza of Nicaragua at a Luncheon at the Ambassador's Residence in San Jose, Costa Rica
Remarks at El Bosque Housing Project Near San Jose.
Address at the Teatro Nacional in San Jose Upon Opening the Presidents' Conference.
Remarks to Members of the American Colony in San Jose.
Toast of the President at a Dinner at the Casa Presidencial in San Jose
Letter to the Executive Director, American Association for the United Nations.
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Airport, San Jose, Costa Rica
Executive Order 11098—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Executive Order 11099—Inspection of Income, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the House of Committee on Public Works
Memorandum on Utilization of Older Workers in the Federal Service.
Address Before the 19th Washington Conference of the Advertising Council.
Telegram to Management and Labor Leaders in the Southern Pacific Railroad Labor Dispute.
Special Message to the Congress: the Manpower Report of the President
Remarks to the Boys' and Men's Choir of Poznan, Poland.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on the Need for Improving the Administration of Criminal Justice
Remarks to Delegates Attending the World Youth Forum.
Proclamation 3524—Cancer Control Month, 1963
Remarks to a Group of Newly Promoted Foreign Service Officers.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on Transportation Policy.
Remarks to Representatives of the National Congress of American Indians.
Remarks at a Dinner Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Labor.
Proclamation 3523—The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Remarks to a Group of Staff Members and Students of the Argentine War College
Special Message to the Congress on Civil Rights
Statement by the President Marking the Centenary of the Red Cross.
Executive Order 11096—Establishing a Seal for the United States Civil Service Commission
Executive Order 11097—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10501, as Amended, Relating to Authority for the Original Classification of Defense Information and Material
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the King of Laos.
Executive Order 11090—Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Civil Aeronautics Board