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Remarks of Welcome at the White House to President Villeda of Honduras
John F. Kennedy
Proclamation 3509—Modifying Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President Villeda.
Remarks at a Close & Circuit Television Broadcast on Behalf of the National Cultural Center.
Proclamation 3508—Bill of Rights Day Human Rights Day
Executive Order 11068—Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Ballistics Missile, Space Vehicle and Military Aircraft Industry
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of the Somali Republic.
Executive Order 11069—Amending Executive Order No. 11017 so as to Designate the Secretary of Commerce as a Member of the Recreation Advisory Council
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Abdirascid
Remarks to a Group of Scientists on the 20th Anniversary of Dr. Enrico Fermi's Nuclear Experiment.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to the Prime Minister of the Somali Republic
Executive Order 11066—Including Certain Tracts of Land in the Cherokee and Jefferson National Forests, in Tennessee and Virginia
Executive Order 11067—Including Certain Tracts of Land in the Nantahala and Cherokee National Forests, Respectively
Memorandum on the Year 2000 Plan for the National Capital Region.
Remarks at Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, Upon Presenting Unit Awards.
Statement by the President on the Reconvening of the Geneva Disarmament Conference.
Remarks at Fort Stewart, Georgia, to Members of the First Armored Division.
Remarks in Key West Upon Presenting Unit Citations at the Boca Chica Naval Air Station.
Statement by the President Announcing Accelerated Payment of National Service Life Insurance Dividends.
Proclamation 3506—Addition to the Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho
Executive Order 11064—Excusing Federal Employees From Duty on December 24, 1962
Proclamation 3507—Terminating Authority Granted and Orders Issued in Proclamation No. 3504
Executive Order 11065—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Remarks With the Secretary of Labor at the Signing of Contracts Between Trans World Airlines and the Pilots and Flight Engineers Unions
The President's News Conference
Executive Order 11063—Equal Opportunity in Housing
Message to Mrs. Niels Bohr Upon the Death of Her Husband.
Executive Order 11062—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10480, Relating to the Administration of the Defense Mobilization Program, so as to Designate the Department of Defense as a Loan Guaranteeing Agency
Remarks to Members of the First Inter-American Symposium.
Message to Chancellor Adenauer Following His Visit.
Remarks at the Dedication of the Dulles International Airport, Chantlily, Virginia.
Remarks at the Signing of a Joint Statement on Fair Employment Practices.
Statement by the President on Announcing the Appointment of Christian Herter as Special U.S. Representative for Trade Negotiations.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Chancellor Adenauer.
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Chancellor Adenauer of Germany
Toasts of the President and Chancellor Adenauer
Executive Order 11061—Mrs. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Executive Order 11060—Prescribing Certain Regulations and Delegating to the Attorney General Certain Authority of the President to Prescribe Other Regulations Relating to the Recovery From Tortiously Liable Third Persons of the Cost of Hospital and Medical Care and Treatment Furnished by the United States
Proclamation 3505—Thanksgiving Day, 1962
Statement by the President on the Death of Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt.