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Letter Accepting Resignation of George B. Kistiakowsky as Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter Accepting Resignation of James P. Mitchell as Secretary of Labor.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Fred A. Seaton as Secretary of the Interior.
Remarks at Opening Session of the White House Conference on Aging.
Remarks at the Vice President's Birthday Party.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Thomas S. Gates as Secretary of Defense.
Remarks at Troop Review Ceremonies, Fort Gordon, Georgia.
Letter to Alan T. Waterman on Receiving Report of the National Science Foundation.
Letter to Archibald J. Carey, Jr., Regarding Report of the President's Committee on Government Employment Policy.
Remarks at a Luncheon Honoring the President Given by the Republican National Committee.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Ezra Taft Benson as Secretary of Agriculture.
Statement by the President: The Centennial of the American Civil War.
Executive Order 10900—Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended
Message to Tuanku Syed Putra, Paramount Ruler of the Federation of Malaya.
Statement by the President on Terminating Diplomatic Relations With Cuba
Statement by the President Following Announcement of Recipients of the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service
Letter Accepting Resignation of Frederick H. Mueller as Secretary of Commerce.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Arthur E. Summerfield as Postmaster General.
Statement by the President Concerning Commercial Use of Communication Satellites.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Leo A. Hoegh as Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization.
Proclamation 3387—Modifying the Duty on Certain Wool Fabrics
Statement by the President Upon Issuing Proclamation Relating to Petroleum Imports.
Proclamation 3386—Modifying Proclamation 3279 of March 10, 1959 Adjusting Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Memorandum to the Secretary of the Army on the Operation of Steamships by the Panama Canal Company.
The President's Certification as to His Forbidding Disclosure to Congress of Certain Documents Relating to Aid to South American Countries.
Remarks at the Pageant of Peace Ceremonies.
Statement by the President on Appointing the Presidential Railroad Commission.
Message to President Kubitschek on the Occasion of the Ceremonies in Brazil Honoring the Dead of World War I I .
Proclamation 3385—Designation of Restricted Waters Under the Great Lakes Pilotage Act of 1960
Presidential Citation Honoring James Forbis Brownlee.
Proclamation 3384—Immigration Quota
Letter to Secretary Mueller Concerning U.S. Participation in the New York World's Fair of 1964-65.
Citation Accompanying the National Security Medal Presented to Robert Murphy.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and Prime Minister Holyoake of New Zealand.
Statement by the President Upon Issuing Proclamation Fixing the Cuban Sugar Quota at Zero.
Proclamation 3383—Determination of Cuban Sugar Quota to Supplement Proclamation, No. 3355
Statement by the President on the Death of Meyer Kestnbaum.
Executive Order 10899—Authorization for the Communication of Restricted Data by the Central Intelligence Agency
Letter to Cardinal Spellman Concerning Aid to Cuban Refugees.
Proclamation 3382—Civil War Centennial