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Letter to Judge E. Barrett Prettyman Requesting Him To Serve as Chairman of the President's Conference on Administrative Procedure.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Statement by the President on the 40th Anniversary of the Women's Suffrage Amendment.
Statement by the President Concerning Mutual Security Appropriations.
Letter to the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate on Mutual Security Appropriations.
Letter to the Speaker and to the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives on Mutual Security Appropriations.
Proclamation 3367—Veteran's Day, 1960
Proclamation 3368—National Farm-City Week, 1960
The President's News Conference
Proclamation 3366—Termination of the Iranian Trade Agreement Proclamations
Proclamation 3365—Modification of Trade Agreement Concessions on Cotton Typewriter-Ribbon Cloth
Special Message to the Congress on the Sugar Quota of the Dominican Republic.
Proclamation 3364—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1960
Letter Accepting Resignation of Henry Cabot Lodge as U.S. Representative to the United Nations.
Statement by the President on U.S. Achievements in Space
Message to President M'ba on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Gabon.
Executive Order 10884—Amendment of Executive Order 10560, Providing for the Administration of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as Amended
Message to President Makarios on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Cyprus.
Remarks Upon Inspection of the Capsule Retrieved from the Satellite Discoverer XIII.
Message to President Youlou on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Congo.
Message to Prime Minister Dacko on the Occasion of the Independence of the Central African Republic.
Message Recorded for Transmission Via Communication Satellite Echo I.
Executive Order 10883—Termination of the Air Coordinating Committee
Message to Prime Minister Tombalbaye on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Chad.
Special Message to the Congress Upon Its Reconvening
Message to Prime Minister Houphouet- Boigny on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of the Ivory Coast.
Message to Prime Minister Yameogo on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Upper Volta.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and Prime Minister Ikeda of Japan.
Message to Prime Minister Diori on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Niger.
Message to the Students of Korea.
Proclamation 3363—American Education Week, 1960
Message to Prime Minister Maga on the Occasion of the Independence of the Republic of Dahomey.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Nkrumah on the Airlift of Ghanaian forces to the Congo.
Proclamation 3361—Fire Prevention Week, 1960
Proclamation 3362—Determining Certain Drugs to be Opiates
Statement by the President Concerning a Program for the Development of Peru.
Remarks at the Republican National Committee Breakfast, Chicago, Illinois
Address at the Republican National Convention in Chicago
Letter to the Administrator of General Services Concerning the Design of Proposed Buildings on Lafayette Square.