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Remarks at the Presentation to Professor Niels Henrik David Bohr of the First Atoms for Peace Award
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3209—Imposing a Fee on Imports of Almonds
Executive Order 10736—Adopting an Official Seal for the Department of the Navy
Letter Accepting Resignation of Herbert Brownell, Jr., as the Attorney General.
Proclamation 3208—Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Year October 27, 1957—October 27, 1958
Address at the Dinner of the National Fund for Medical Education.
Remarks to the Delegates to the International Congress of Actuaries
Remarks at the Presentation of the National Geographic Society Medal to His Royal Highness the Prince Philip.
A Toast to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Remarks of Welcome to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and H.R.H. the Prince Philip at the Washington National Airport
Executive Order 10735—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Statement by the President on the Forthcoming Visit of Prime Minister Macmillan.
Executive Order 10734—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10657, Relating to the Transfer to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator of Certain Functions Under the Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955
Remarks at the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Inter-American Press Association
Message to the Atlantic City Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons.
Remarks for the President's Birthday Celebration in San Francisco.
Remarks at the President's Birthday Celebration at the White House.
Remarks to a Group of NATO Naval Chaplains.
Executive Order 10731—Delegating to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget the Authority of the President To Transfer Certain Records, Property, and Personnel
Executive Order 10733—Providing for an Additional Member and for an Executive Vice Chairman of the Government Contract Committee
Proclamation 3206—Immigration Quota—Federation of Malaya
Proclamation 3207—Second World Metallurgical Congress
Executive Order 10732—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10250, Providing for the Performance of Certain Functions of the President by the Secretary of the Interior
The President's News Conference
Statement by the President Summarizing Facts in the Development of an Earth Satellite by the United States.
Citation Accompanying the Medal of Freedom Presented to Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson.
Message to the Newspaperboys of America.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and the Prime Minister of Japan on Nuclear Tests.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Charles E. Wilson as Secretary of Defense.
Message to the First Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Statement by the President Regarding Continued Federal Surveillance at Little Rock.
Statement by the President Marking the Opening of the United Community Campaigns.
Remarks on Leaving Newport, Rhode Island.
Statement by the President Marking National Newspaper Week.
Telegram to Senator Russell of Georgia Regarding the Use of Federal Troops at Little Rock.
Statement by the President on the Occasion of the Jewish High Holy Days.
Proclamation 3205—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1957
Radio and Television Address to the American People on the Situation in Little Rock.
Executive Order 10730—Providing Assistance for the Removal of an Obstruction of Justice Within the State of Arkansas