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Remarks on Receiving Statue Presented by President Gronchi on Behalf of the Italian People.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Joint Statement Following Meeting With President Gronchi of Italy.
Executive Order 10661—Delegating to Certain Officers of the Government the Authority Vested in the President To Designate Persons From Foreign Countries Who May Be Permitted To Receive Instruction at the Military, Naval, Air Force, and Merchant Marine Academies
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Washita River Basin Reclamation Project, Oklahoma.
Statement by the President Announcing Determination To Make Uranium Available for Peaceful Uses.
Statement by the President Expressing Concern Over the Distress Caused by the Extreme Winter Weather in Europe.
Veto of Bill To Amend the Natural Gas Act.
Executive Order 10658—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10478 of August 5, 1953, Delegating Certain Authority of the President to the Secretary of Defense
Executive Order 10660—Providing for the Establishment of a National Defense Executive Reserve
Proclamation 3124—Red Cross Month, 1956
Executive Order 10659—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Citation Accompanying Medal of Freedom Presented to Dr. John von Neumann.
Executive Order 10657—Transferring to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator Certain Functions of the Atomic Energy Commission Under the Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955
Letter to Edward P. Curtis on His Appointment as Special Assistant to the President for Aviation Facilities Planning
Telegram to the President of Italy Expressing Sympathy for the People in Snow-Stricken Areas.
Letter to Harlow H. Curtice, Chairman, the President's Committee for Traffic Safety.
Letter to the Governors of the States on Traffic Safety.
The President's News Conference
Special Message to the Congress on Immigration Matters.
Joint Statement Following Visit of Rene Mayer, President of the High Authority, European Community for Coal and Steel.
Letter to Senator George D. Aiken Regarding Soil Bank Proposals.
Letter to Arthur B. Langlie, Chairman, the Governors' Conference, Transmitting Report of Interdepartmental Committee on Narcotics.
Executive Order 10656—Establishing the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities
Letter to Clinton P. Anderson, Chairman, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Concerning Report of Panel on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy.
Remarks at Annual Breakfast of the International Council for Christian Leadership
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on National Park System Plan "Mission 66."
Statement by the President on the Death of Governor Paul Patterson of Oregon.
The Declaration of Washington: Joint Declaration by the President and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Joint Statement Following Discussions with Prime Minister Eden.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill for the Relief of Mr. and Mrs. Derfery William Wright.
Letter to Nikolai Bulganin, Chairman, Council of Ministers, U. S. S. R., Regarding Proposed Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation.
Executive Order 10655—Air Coordinating Committee
Special Message to the Congress on the Nation's Health Program.
Letter to Philip Young, the President's Adviser on Personnel Management, in Response to Report on Hoover Commission Recommendations.
Proclamation 3123—National Junior Achievement Week
Annual Message Transmitting the Economic Report to the Congress
Letter Accepting Resignation of Rowland R. Hughes as Director, Bureau of the Budget.
Address at "Salute to Eisenhower" Dinner
Executive Order 10654—Delegating Certain Functions of the President to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget