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Proclamation 3075—Imposing a Quota on Imports of Barley and Barley Malt
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Executive Order 10571—Including Certain Lands in the Nantahala National Forest
Remarks of Welcome to President Tubman of Liberia
Executive Order 10570—Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Pullman Company and Certain of Its Employees
Address at Butler University, Indianapolis, Before the National Institute of Animal Agriculture
Remarks in Indianapolis at the Columbia Republican Club
Memorandum on Occupational Safety in the Government Service.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Magloire on the Hurricane Damage in Haiti
Remarks to Members of the Olympic Committee, Denver, Colorado
Proclamation 3073—Imposing Import Fees on Shelled and Prepared Almonds and on Shelled Filberts
Letter to Harvey V. Higley, Administrator of Veterans Affairs, Designating Him Chairman of the Veterans Day National Committee.
Address at the Republican Precinct Day Rally, Denver, Colorado
Proclamation 3071—Veteran's Day, 1954
Proclamation 3072—National Nurse Week
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Einaudi of Italy on the Trieste Agreement.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Tito of Yugoslavia on the Trieste Agreement.
Executive Order 10569—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10334 of March 26, 1952, Exempting Frederick C. Mayer From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Letter to Dr. Thomas Keith Glennan Reconvening the Board of Inquiry in the Labor Dispute at Atomic Energy Facilities at Oak Ridge and Paducah.
Statement by the President on the Nine- Power Conference in London.
Proclamation 3070—Imposing a Quota on Imports of Oats
Message to the King of Cambodia.
Proclamation 3069—National Olympic Day, 1954
Executive Order 10568—Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone
Proclamation 3068—Columbus Day, 1954
Executive Order 10566—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10455, Authorizing the Inspection of Certain Tax Returns
Executive Order 10567—Further Designation Pursuant to Section 103(a) of the Renegotiation Act of 1951
Statement by the President: National Newspaper Week.
Letter to the REA Administrator Concerning Recent Progress in Rural Electrification.
Executive Order 10565—Amendment of Paragraphs 76a and 127c of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1951
Executive Order 10564—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Declared Value Excess-Profits, Capital Stock, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives
Proclamation 3067—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1954
Statement by the President on the Occasion of the Jewish New Year.
Letter to Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., National Chairman, United Community Campaigns of America.
Executive Order 10563—Revocation of Executive Order No. 10266 of June 30, 1951, Suspending Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as Amended
Remarks to the American Federation of Labor Convention, Los Angeles, California
Remarks at the Breakfast in Los Angeles Given by Republican Groups of Southern California
Address at the Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, California
Remarks at the Airport, Pendleton, Oregon
Address at the Dedication of McNary Dam, Walla Walla, Washington
Remarks at Dedication of Aerial Fire Depot, Municipal Airport, Missoula, Montana