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Executive Order 10515—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10739 of August 2, 1952, Suspending the Operation of Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 Applicable to the Retirement of Colonels of the Regular Army and the Regular Air Force
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Memorandum Concerning Purchase of Savings Bonds by Government Employees.
Annual Budget Message to the Congress: Fiscal Year 1955.
Statement by the President on the Approval by the Netherlands Parliament of the European Defense Community Treaty.
Executive Order 10513—Designating Certain Officers To Act as Secretary of Labor
Executive Order 10512—Revocation of Executive Order No. 9047, Exempting Certain Officers and Employees of the Government From Automatic Separation From the Service
Executive Order 10514—Revocation of Executive Order No. 2414 of June 30, 1916
Special Message to the Congress on the Health Needs of the American People
Letter to President Hoover Regarding the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch
Special Message to the Congress on Old Age and Survivors Insurance and on Federal Grants-in-Aid for Public Assistance Programs
The President's News Conference
Letter to Julius Ochs Adler, Chairman, National Security Training Commission, Concerning the Reserve Establishment.
Citations Accompanying Medals of Honor Presented to William R. Charotto, Edward R. Schowalter, Jr., and Ernest E. West.
Special Message to the Congress on Agriculture.
Special Message to the Senate Transmitting the Mutual Defense Treaty Between the United States and the Republic of Korea.
Special Message to the Congress on Labor-Management Relations.
Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union
Memorandum on the Red Cross Campaign.
Radio and Television Address to the American People on the Administration's Purposes and Accomplishments.
Memorandum Approving Defense Procurement Policies in Aid of Areas of Economic Distress.
Executive Order 10511—Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate Disputes Between the Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroad Company and Other Carriers and Certain of Their Employees
Statement by the President on Reducing American Forces in Korea.
Proclamation 3041—Imposing a Quota on Imports of Oats
Remarks Upon Lighting the National Community Christmas Tree
Proclamation 3040—Supplementing Proclamations No. 2867 of December 22, 1949, and No. 2764 of January 1, 1948, Relating to Trade Agreements
Message to Rene Coty Congratulating Him on His Election as President of the French Republic.
Statements by the President on the Last Day of the Republican Legislative Conference.
Statements by the President on the Second Day of the Republican Legislative Conference.
Remarks at a Dinner Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Powered Flight.
Statements by the President on the First Day of the Republican Legislative Conference in the Cabinet Room.
Executive Order 10510—Establishing a Seal for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
Executive Order 10509—Creating an Emergency Board To Investigate a Dispute Between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., and Certain of its Employees
Message to Stanislaw Mikolajczyk Conveying Greetings to the International Peasant Union Forum.
Statement by the President Requesting Reports to the FBI of Violations of the Atomic Energy Act.
Remarks Opening the White House Conference of Mayors.
Executive Order 10508—Excusing Federal Employees From Duty One-Half Day on December 24, 1953, and One-Half Day on December 31, 1953
Letter to the Governors of the States Calling for a Conference on Highway Safety.
Letter to Dr. Joseph J. Eller, Executive Director, Pan American Medical Association.
Remarks to the Officers of the Pan American Medical Association.