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Address in Shenandoah, Iowa
Harry S Truman
Address at Colorado Springs
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Colorado
Address at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Rear Platform Remarks in Utah and Colorado
Address at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco
Address in the Oakland Auditorium
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Oregon and California
Address in Tacoma at a Rally in the Armory
Address in Seattle at the Auditorium of the fraternal Order of Eagles
Rear Platform Remarks in Washington
Address on a Radio Program Sponsored by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union Campaign Committee
Address in Montana at the Dedication of the Hungry Horse Dam
Address in Spokane in the Auditorium of the Eagles Lodge
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Montana and Idaho
Address at Tiber Dam, Montana
Rear Platform Remarks in Montana
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana
A Recorded Interview With the President.
Statement by the President on the Death of David K. Niles.
Radio and Television Remarks Opening the Nation's Community Chest Campaign
Executive Order 10400—Amending Executive Order No. 10122 of April 14, 1950, Entitled "Regulations Governing Payment of Disability Retirement Pay, Hospitalization, and Re-Examination of Members and Former Members of the Uniformed Services"
Letter to the Chairman, Federal Trade Commission, Requesting Him To Make an Economic Study.
Proclamation 2991—Imposing Import Fees on Shelled and Prepared Almonds
Executive Order 10399—Designating the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service to Perform Certain Duties Under the International Sanitary Regulations (World Health Organization Regulations No. 2)
Executive Order 10398—Military Protection of the Canal Zone
Remarks at a Luncheon With Members of the National Symphony Orchestra
Remarks to Representatives of the National Council of Churches
Remarks to the National Citizens' Committee on United Nations Day
Remarks to Delegates to the International Conference on Agricultural and Cooperative Credit
The President's News Conference
Executive Order 10397—Continuing in Effect Certain Appointments as Officers and Warrant Officers of The Army and Air Force
Proclamation 2990—Columbus Day, 1952
Letter to the Secretary of Commerce Directing Him To Head a Mission To Survey European Industrial Progress.
Remarks to a Group of Actors and Officials of the Motion Picture Industry of India
Remarks in New London at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Proclamation 2989—Supplementary Trade Agreement: Venezuela
Executive Order 10395—Extension of Time Relating to the Disposition of Certain Temporary Housing
Executive Order 10396—Establishing a Seal for the Small Defense Plants Administration