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Executive Order 10395—Extension of Time Relating to the Disposition of Certain Temporary Housing
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10396—Establishing a Seal for the Small Defense Plants Administration
Remarks at the Signing of the Pakistan Wheat Loan Documents
Remarks to the Delegates to the Theater Owners Convention
Address Before the National Conference on Citizenship
Address in Philadelphia at the American Hospital Association Convention
The President's News Conference
Remarks at a Ceremony Marking the Issuance of the "Women in the Armed Services" Commemorative Stamp
Executive Order 10394—Suspending Certain Statutory Provisions Relating to Employment in the Canal Zone
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board, Concerning Air Service Between the United States and Mexico.
Letter to Henry H. Fowler Asking Him To Serve as Director, Office of Defense Mobilization
Remarks to the President's Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week
Statement by the President Upon Issuing Order Establishing a Commission on Immigration and Naturalization.
Executive Order 10393—Establishment of the Clemency and Parole Board for War Criminals
Executive Order 10392—Establishing the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization
Executive Order 10391—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10011, of October 22, 1948, as Amended, Authorizing the Secretary of State to Exercise, Ceertain Powers of Th President with Respect to the Granting of Allowances and Allotments to Government Personnel on Foreign Duty
Rear Platform Remarks in Ohio and West Virginia
Rear Platform Remarks in Pennsylvania and Ohio
Labor Day Address in Milwaukee
Executive Order 10390—Amending Executive Order No. 10161 of September 9, 1950, as Amended, to Provide for Certain Alternate Members of the Wage Stabilization Board
Executive Order 10389—Restoring Certain Land Reserved for Military Purposes of the United States to the Jurisdiciton of the Territory of Hawaii
Special Message to the Congress on the Trade Agreement With Venezuela.
Statement by the President: Labor Day.
Executive Order 10388—Revocation of Executive Order No. 8616 of December 19, 1940, Placing Palmyra Island Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy
Executive Order 10387—Specification of Laws from Which Certain Functions Authorized by the Mutual Security Act of 1951, as Amended, Shall Be Exempt
Statement by the President: The Jewish New Year.
Remarks to a Group of Students from Kansas High Schools.
Remarks to a Group of Exchange Teachers from Great Britain, France, and Canada.
Letter to Capt. Charles G. Ewing on the Repatriation of Prisoners of War in Korea.
Executive Order 10386—Inspection of Files Covering Compromise Settlements of Tax Liability
Statement by the President Reviewing the 1953 Budget.
Proclamation 2987—Fire Prevention Week, 1952
Proclamation 2986—Modification of Trade Agreement Concession and Adjustment in the Rate of Duty with Respect to Dried Figs
Executive Order 10385—Extension of Time Relating to the Removal of Certain Temporary Housing
Proclamation 2985—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1952
Remarks to Delegates to a CIO-PAC Rally
Letter to Junius B. Wood on the Minerva Clock and Other Antique White House furnishings.