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Remarks Upon Receiving a Medal Presented by Students from William Chrisman High School, Independence, Missouri
Harry S Truman
Remarks to Members of "Task Force Smith"
Address in Groton, Conn., at the Keel Laying of the first Atomic Energy Submarine.
Executive Order 10362—Continuing the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service as a Military Service
Remarks at a Luncheon at the Officers' Club, U.S. Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut.
Letter to Mrs. Elizabeth Cochrane on the Need for Increasing Social Security Benefits.
Remarks to Members of the International Society of Christian Endeavor.
Commencement Address at Howard University.
The President's News Conference
Memorandum Transmitting an Exchange of Correspondence Between the President and Senator Russell Regarding the Communist Prisoners Interned on Koje Island.
Remarks to Members of the United States Attorneys Association.
Letter to Senator Russell on the Prison Camps on Koje Island.
Executive Order 10360—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9781, Establishing the Air Coordinating Committee
Executive Order 10361—Establishing the Whittier Defensive Sea Area, Alaska
Remarks to Members of the Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe.
Special Message to the Congress on the Steel Strike
Executive Order 10359—Amending Executive Order No. 10161, as Amended, with Respect to Certain Plant Fibers
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relating to the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia.
Letter to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency on the Steel Strike.
Executive Order 10358—Observance of Holidays by Government Agencies
Address in Springfield at the 32d Reunion of the 35th Division Association.
Remarks at a Breakfast of the 35th Division Association, Springfield, Missouri.
Letter to the Chairman, Air Coordinating Committee, Transmitting Report of the Airport Commission.
Remarks to Jimmy Carrick, Winner of "The Kid of the Year" Award
Remarks Upon Receiving a Plaque Presented by the Capital Press Club
Executive Order 10357—Including Certain Lands in the Nantahala National Forest
Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to General Eisenhower.
Address Before the President's Conference on Industrial Safety.
Special Message to the Senate Transmitting a Convention on Relations With Germany, and Related Documents.
Executive Order 10356—Continuing the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service as a Military Service
Letter to the President of the Senate on Proposed Amendments to the Defense Production Act.
Veto of Bill Concerning Title to Offshore Lands.
Letter to Senator Maybank on the Atomic Energy Program.
Proclamation 2977—Flag Day, 1952
Remarks to Members of the American Action Committee Against Mass Deportations in Romania.
Address at a Dinner of the Jewish National fund.
Executive Order 10355—Delegating to the Secretary of the Interior the Authority of the President to Withdraw or Reserve Lands of the United States for Public Purposes
Executive Order 10354—Amendment of the Regulations Relating to Commissioned Officers and Employees of the Public Health Service