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Letter to C. S. Jones in Response to Questions on the Steel Situation.
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10348—Continuing in Force Orders and Regulations Relating to Blocked Property
Executive Order 10349—Declaring the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service to Be a Military Service and Prescribing Regulations Therefor
Letter to Senator Maybank on Vacation Leave Privileges of Federal Employees.
Letter to Senator McKdlar on the Need for Restoring Funds for Flood Control.
The President's News Conference
Message to the Congress Transmitting the first Annual Report of the Federal Civil Defense Administration.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Continuation of Aid to the Netherlands.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Proclamation 2973—Mother's Day, 1952
Letter to the President of the Senate Concerning Government Operation of the Nation's Steel Mills.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project.
Remarks Upon Receiving a Gift for the White House Presented by the French Ambassador
Executive Order 10347—Providing for the Affixing of the Seal of the United States to Certain Presidential Documents
Remarks to Members of the Associated Church Press.
Address at the Dedication of the New AMVETS Headquarters in Washington.
Executive Order 10345—Extension of Enlistments in the Armed Forces of the United States
Executive Order 10346—Preparation by Federal Agencies of Civil Defense Emergency Plans
Proclamation 2972—Extra Registration
Executive Order 10344—Prescribing or Amending Portions of the Selective Service Regulations
Letter to the Secretary of Defense on Voting by Servicemen.
Remarks in Omaha on the floods in the Upper Missouri and Mississippi Valleys.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Treaty of Peace With Japan and Related Security Pacts
Letter to the Secretary of Commerce on Highway Safety.
Remarks to a Group of Displaced Persons.
Remarks on Receiving Members of the Council of the Organization of American States.
Executive Order 10342—Restoring Lands of the Sugar Loaf Military Reservation and Right-of-Way Thereto to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 10343—Inspection of Tax Returns by Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives
Memorandum Requesting Agency Heads To Cooperate in an Inquiry by a Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Statement by the President on the 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Leonardo da Vinci.
Remarks at the Presentation of the Congressional Medal of Honor to 1st Lt. Lloyd Burke, USA, Cpl . Rodolfo Hernandez, USA, and T. Sgt. Harold E. Wilson, USMC.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 3 of 1952.
Special Message to the Congress Summarizing the New Reorganization Plans.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 4 of 1952.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 2 of 1952.
Special Message to the Congress Reporting on the Situation in the Steel Industry.
Executive Order 10341—Discontinuing the Rose Island and the Tutuila Island Naval Defensive Sea Areas and Naval Airspace Reservations
Veto of Bill Relating to the Greenfields Division of the Sun River Irrigation Project, Montana.