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The President's News Conference
Harry S Truman
Proclamation 2923—Mother's Day, 1951
Executive Order 10236—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10129 of June 3, 1950, Establishing the President's Commission on Migratory Labor
Proclamation 2924—Enlarging Hovenweep National Monument, Colorado and Utah
Special Message to the Congress Recommending Extension and Broadening of the Defense Production Act.
Executive Order 10235—Establishing a Seal for the Economic Stabilization Agency
Executive Order 10234—Transferring Certain Lands from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior and Withdrawing Certain Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture
Executive Order 10233—Amending Executive Order 10161 with Respect to Wage Stabilization and Settlement of Labor Disputes
Remarks to a Group of British Publishers and Editors.
Letter to the Chairman, Science Advisory Committee.
Proclamation 2922—Child Health Day, 1951
Statement by the President on the Death of Senator Vandenberg.
Statement by the President on the Occasion of the Transfer of a Statue of Simon Bolivar to the Avenue of the Americas in New York City.
Statement by the President on the Point Four Program.
Statement by the President on the Security of the Far East.
Executive Order 10232—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Letter to Stuart Symington on His Appointment as Administrator of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Need for Assistance to Yugoslavia.
Address at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner.
Statement by the President on the Invitation to General MacArthur To Address a Joint Session of Congress.
Statement and Order by the President on Relieving General MacArthur of His Commands.
Radio Report to the American People on Korea and on U.S. Policy in the Far East.
Statement by the President on Making Public the Report of the Commission on Migratory Labor.
The President's Toast at a Dinner in His Honor Given by the Foreign Ministers of the Latin American Republics
Letter to the President of the Red Cross on the Progress of the Fund Campaign.
Letter to the Economic Stabilization Administrator on the Problem of Wage Stabilization in the Transportation Industry.
Statement by the President on Senate Resolution 99.
Statement by the President on the Voice of America.
Executive Order 10231—Extension of the Provisions of Part I of Executive Order No. 10210 of February 2, 1951, to the Tennessee Valley Authority
Address at the Cornerstone Laying of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church.
Statement by the President on the Second Anniversary of the Signing of the North Atlantic Treaty.
Statement by the President on the Third Anniversary of the European Recovery Program.
The President's Toast at a Dinner for the Foreign Ministers of the Pan American Union
Proclamation 2921—Armed Forces Day, 1951
Executive Order 10230—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
The President's Toast at a Dinner in His Honor Given by President Auriol at the French Embassy
Executive Order 10229—Exemption of Hugh H. Bennett from Compulsory Retirement for Age