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The President's News Conference on the Budget
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10203—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the American Airlines, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees
Executive Order 10202—Prescribing or Amending Portions of the Selective Service Regulations
Remarks to Members of the National Advisory Committee on the Selection of Physicians, Dentists, and Allied Specialists.
Annual Message to the Congress: The President's Economic Report
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950.
The President's News Conference
Remarks at a Buffet Supper for Democratic Members of Congress.
Executive Order 10201—Attaching the Virgin Islands to the Internal Revenue Collection District of Maryland
Remarks at the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award Ceremonies
Special Message to the Congress on the Need for More Equal Apportionment of Congressional Districts.
Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union
Statement by the President on the Establishment of the United Defense Fund.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Excess Profits Tax Act of 1950.
Executive Order 10200—Establishing the Defense Production Administration
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Recommending the Posthumous Appointment of General Walker to the Grade of General in the Army of the United States.
Proclamation 2916—Allocating Tariff Quota on Certain Petroleum Products Under the Venezuelan Trade Agreement
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Amending the Clayton Act.
Proclamation 2915—Amending Proclamation No. 2906 of October 6, 1950, Entitled "Special Registration"
Recorded Message for Broadcast on World Day of Prayer
Remarks at the Dedication Services of the Grandview Baptist Church.
Address Recorded for Broadcast on the Occasion of the Lighting of the National Community Christmas Tree on the White House Grounds
Remarks in Grandview, Missouri, at a Meeting of the Order of the Eastern Stat.
Remarks in Kansas City at a Dinner of the Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine.
Remarks in Kansas City at a Luncheon for the Press.
Executive Order 10199—Authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to Make Without the Approval of the President, Regulations Under the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as Amended
Statement by the President Following a Report by Secretary Acheson on His Meeting With the Ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Nations.
Executive Order 10198—Exemption of Paul A. Walker from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 10196—Amendment of Executive Order 9805 Prescribing Regulations Governing Payment of Certain Travel and Transportation Expenses
Executive Order 10197—Directing the Secretary of Commerce to Exercise Security Control Over Aircraft in Flight
Executive Order 10195—Designation of Korea and Waters Adjacent Thereto as a Combat Zone for the Purposes of Section 22(b)(13) of the Internal Revenue Code
Message to the Secretary of State Designating General Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe.
Letter to General Eisenhower on His Designation as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe
Executive Order 10194—Establishing the Federal Safety Council
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Asking for Additional Emergency Legislation.
Statement by the President on Secretary Acheson's Attendance at the Council Meetings of the North Atlantic Treaty Powers
Statement by the President Making Public a Report by the Water Resources Policy Commission.