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Radio Remarks Opening the Community Chest Campaign.
Harry S Truman
Memorandum on the Need for Protecting Free Enterprise During the Defense Emergency.
Message Congratulating General MacArthur on the Liberation of Seoul.
Letter to the Vice President on the Need for Repatriating Displaced Greek Children.
The President's News Conference
Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill Relating to a Claim of the Board of County Commissioners of Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill To Amend the Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946
Executive Order 10164—Extension of Enlistments in the United States Coast Guard
Recorded Address for Broadcast on Democratic Women' s Day
Proclamation 2903—Revocation of Proclamation No. 2775 of March 26, 1948, Prescribing Changes in Panama Canal Toll Rates
Executive Order 10163—The Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Proclamation 2902—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1950
Veto of the Internal Security Bill.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Wherry Amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Bill.
Executive Order 10162—Authorizing the Appointment of Frederick C. Kilguss to the Position of Deputy Administrative Assistant Attorney General in the Department of Justice Without Compliance with the Competitive Provisions of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report of the National Security Resources Board.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Establishing a New Grand Teton National Park.
Letter to Senator Thomas on the Distribution of Surplus Perishables to Welfare and Relief Agencies.
Remarks to the National Association of Postal Supervisors
Letter to Committee Chairmen Transmitting Bill To Permit General Marshall To Serve as Secretary of Defense.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Louis Johnson as Secretary of Defense.
Radio and Television Address to the American People Following the Signing of the Defense Production Act
Executive Order 10161—Delegating Certain Functions of the President Under the Defense Production Act of 1950
Executive Order 10160—Providing for the Preservation of Records for Certain Purposes of the Defense Production Act of 1950
Veto of Bill To Amend the Nationality Act of 1940, as Amended.
Statement by the President Upon Approving an Increase in U.S. Forces in Western Europe.
Executive Order 10159—Providing for the Administration of the Act for International Development
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Concerning the Point 4 Program.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Regarding Marine War-Risk Insurance.
Remarks to Members of the Marine Corps League
Remarks to the National Citizens' Committee for United Nations Day.
Veto of Bill Relating to Spanish-American War Veterans.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the General Appropriation Act.
Proclamation 2901—Termination of Mexican Trade Agreement Proclamation and Supplementing Proclamations No. 2769 of January 30, 1948, No. 2764 of January 1, 1948, and No. 2761ZA of December 16, 1947
Letters to the Commandant of the Marine Corps League and to the Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Situation in Korea.