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Proclamation 2893—Termination of Proclamation No. 2729 of April 24, 1947, Entitled "Copyright Extension: New Zealand"
Harry S Truman
Proclamation 2891—Termination of Proclamation No. 2608 of March 10, 1944, Entitled "Copyright Extension: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Including Certain British Territories) and Palestine"
The President's News Conference
Joint Declaration With the United Kingdom and France on the Arab States and Israel.
Statement by the President on the Joint Declaration on the Near East.
Proclamation 2890—United Nations Day, 1950
Remarks to a Group From the Ohio Farm Bureau.
Executive Order 10127—Establishing Airspace Reservations Over Certain Facilities of the United States Atomic Energy Commission
Remarks to Delegates to the Fifth Annual Conference on Citizenship.
Special Message to the Congress Following the Signing of the Rivers and Harbors Bill.
Statement by the President in Response to the Report of the Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services.
Letters of Appreciation on the Third Anniversary of the Greek-Turkish Aid Program.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Fourth Annual Report on U.S. Participation in the United Nations.
Proclamation 2889—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day
Remarks at the Democratic Women's National Council Dinner.
Remarks at the Armed Forces Dinner.
Address on the Occasion of the Publication of the First Volume of the Jefferson Papers.
Rear Platform Remarks at Cumberland, Maryland.
Address in Chicago at the National Democratic Conference and Jefferson Jubilee.
Radio Remarks Opening the Savings Bond Drive.
Address at the Dedication of the Credit Union National Association's Filene House, Madison, Wisconsin.
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Wisconsin.
Proclamation 2888—Supplementing Proclamations No. 2867 of December 22, 1949, No. 2769 of January 30, 1948, and No. 2764 of January 1, 1948 Relating to Trade Agreements
Address in Fargo, North Dakota.
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Montana, North Dakota, and Minnesota.
Address in Butte, Montana.
Rear Platform Remarks in Montana.
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Washington, Idaho, and Montana.
Address at the Dedication of the Grand Coulee Dam.
Address in Spokane at Gonzaga University
Telegram to the President of the Senate Concerning Reorganization Plan 12 of 1950.
Address in Pendleton, Oregon.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Creating the National Science Foundation.
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 24 of 1950.
Address in Casper, Wyoming.
Rear Platform Remarks in Wyoming.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan 25 of 1950.
Executive Order 10126—Establishing an Airspace Reservation Over Portions of the District of Columbia