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Statement by the President Commending CARE.
Harry S Truman
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Major General Philip B. Fleming.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Bill for Inter-American Military Cooperation.
Statement by the President Upon Reappointing Myron Taylor as His Personal Representative at the Vatican.
Letter to Secretary Krug Concerning Termination of the Petroleum Administration for War.
Statement by the President on the Forthcoming National Highway Safety Conference.
Statement by the President Concerning Plans for Development of California's Water Resources.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Veterans' Priority Bill for Surplus Property.
Executive Order 9718—Termination of the Petroleum Administration for War
The President's News Conference
Message to the Congress Transmitting Corporation Supplement to the Budget for 1947.
Citation Accompanying the Medal for Merit Awarded to Julius A. Krug.
Letter to Senator Murray Concerning a Bill for a National Health Program.
Statement by the President on Receiving Report of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bills Providing for Philippine Rehabilitation and Trade.
Proclamation 2690—National Farm Safety Week, 1946
Proclamation 2689—Mother's Day 1946
Executive Order 9717—Directing the Emergency Board Created By Executive Order 9716 of April 24, 1946 to Investigate a Dispute Between the Railway Exress Agency, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees, Also to Investigate Disputes Between the Agency and Certain Other of Its Employees
Letter to the U.S. Chairman, Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine.
Executive Order 9716—Creating An Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees
Proclamation 2688—Death of Harlan Fiske Stone
Executive Order 9715—The Death of Harlan Fiske Stone
Executive Order 9714—Amending Executive Order No. 9492, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Governing Non-Military and Non-Naval Transportation On Army and Navy Air Transports
Radio Appeal to the Nation for Food Conservation to Relieve Hunger Abroad -
Telegram to Herbert Hoover, Honorary Chairman, Famine Emergency Committee.
The President's Special Conference With the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Executive Order 9713—Creating An Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Company and Certain of Its Employees
Address Before the Governing Board of the Pan American Union.
Executive Order 9712—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8743 of April 23, 1941, Extending the Classified Civil Service
Proclamation 2686—Child Health Day, 1946
Proclamation 2687—National Maritime Day, 1946
Statement by the President Concerning Preparations for Nuclear Tests in the Pacific.
Address at the Dedication of the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt as a National Shrine.
Executive Order 9711—Providing Reemployment Benefits for Federal Civilian Employees Who Enter Civilian Service With the War Or Navy Departments in Occupied Areas
Statement by the President Announcing Revised Budget Estimates.
Remarks Upon Presenting the Collier's Congressional Awards to Senator Vandenberg and Representative Monroney
Proclamation 2685—Removal of Alien Enemies
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Terminating the Office of Inter-American Affairs.