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Proclamation 2674—Revoking Certain Regulations Relating to the Control of Alien Enemies
Harry S Truman
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Government Corporation Control Act.
Veto of Bill Granting Benefits to Enlisted Men for Foreign Service Between 1898 and 1912.
Telegrams to Management and Labor Leaders Concerning Industrial Disputes Involving the General Motors Corporation and the U.S. Steel Corporation.
Special Message to the Congress on Labor-Management Relations.
Letter to the President, Society for the Advancement of Management, Concerning Full Employment.
Executive Order 9663—Creating An Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Texas & New Orleans Railway Company and Hospital Association of the Southern Pacific Lines in Texas and Lousiana, and Certain of Its Employees
The President's News Conference
Executive Order 9661—Possession, Control, and Operation of the Transportation System, Plants, and Facilities of the Great Lakes Towing Company, Cleveland, Ohio
Executive Order 9660—Conferring Certain Authority Upon the Chief of Counsel in the Preparation and Prosectution of Charges of War Crimes Against the Major Leaders of Japan and Their Principal Agents and Accessories
Executive Order 9662—Restricting Competition in Certain Civil-service Examinations to Veterans
Letter Transmitting Report on the Occupation of Germany to the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy.
Citation Accompanying the Legion of Merit Awarded to Fleet Admiral Sir James F. Somerville.
Citation Accompanying the Legion of Merit Awarded to Air Marshal Douglas Colyer.
Citation Accompanying the Legion of Merit Awarded to Lieutenant General Sir Gordon N. Macready.
Citation Accompanying the Distinguished Service Medal Awarded to Field Marshal Sir Henry M. Wilson.
Citation Accompanying the Legion of Merit Awarded to Crown Prince Olav of Norway.
Executive Order 9658—Possession, Control, and Operation of the Transportation System, Plants, and Facilities of the Capital Transit Complany, Washington, District of Columbia
Statement by the President Concerning Government Operation of Transit Facilities in the District of Columbia.
Letter to General Hans Kramer Appointing Him U.S. Representative in Negotiations Between Colorado and Kansas for Division of Waters of Arkansas River
Executive Order 9659—Extension of Trust Periods On Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1946
Special Message to the Congress Recommending a Comprehensive Health Program.
Executive Order 9657—Providing for the Representation of the United States in the Observation of Elections in Greece
The President's News Conference Following the Signing of a Joint Declaration on Atomic Energy
Statement by the President on the Tenth Anniversary of the Philippine Commonwealth.
Executive Order 9656—Transfer of Shipbuilding Stabilization Committee
Executive Order 9655—Regulations Relating to Commissioned Officers and Employees of the Public Health Service
Letter to President Osmena of the Philippines Upon Approving a Bill of the Philippine Congress.
Letter to Prime Minister Attlee Concerning the Need for Resettlement of Jewish Refugees in Palestine.
Special Message to the Congress on U.S. Participation in the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
Statement by the President on the Problem of Jewish Refugees in Europe.
Proclamation 2673—Thanksgiving Day, 1945
Letter to the Chairman, House Appropriations Committee, Concerning the Need for Additional Funds for Advance Planning of Public Works.
Proclamation 2672—Armistice Day, 1945
Address at the Opening Session of the Labor- Management Conference.
Executive Order 9654—Adopting and Ratifying the Capture of the German Steamship "Milwaukee"