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Communique on a Meeting with Churchill and the President of Turkey.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9402—Designating Dr. R.R. Sayers, Director of the Bureau of Mines, To Act as Under Secretary, First Assistant Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of the Interior
Executive Order 9401—Suspension of Eight-Hour Law as to Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Department of Agriculture, Including the War Food Administration
Remarks to Military Policemen at the President's Villa in Cairo, Egypt.
Proclamation 2602—Day of Prayer
Executive Order 9400—Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and Operate the Shipyard of the Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Drydock Corporation at Los Angeles, California
Remarks to the Personnel at Camp Amirabad, Teheran, Iran.
Veto of a Bill Designating December 7 as Armed Services Honor Day.
Joint Communique with Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek on the Cairo Conference.
The Teheran Declaration
Proclamation 2601—Capture of Prizes
Executive Order 9398—Extension of Trust Periods on Indian Lands Expiring During Calendar Year 1944
Executive Order 9399—Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy To Take Possession of and Operate Part of the Plant and Facilities of Remington Rand, Inc., in the Town of Southport, County of Chemung, State of New York
Message to Congress on the Return of Service Personnel to Civilian Life.
Executive Order 9397—Numbering System for Federal Accounts Relating to Individual Persons
Executive Order 9396—Authorizing the Secretary of War to Issue Citations in the Name of the President of the United States to Army Units for Outstanding Performance in Action
Executive Order 9395-B—Possession of Leather Manufacturing Plants Located in Salem, Peabody, and Danvers, Massachusetts
Executive Order 9395-A—Amending Executive Order No. 9017 of January 12, 1942, To Provide for Alternate Public Members of the National War Labor Board
Message to Congress on Appropriations for the U.N.R.R.A.
Proclamation 2600—Thanksgiving Day, 1943
Report to Congress on Reverse Lend-Lease.
Address on the Signing of the Agreement Establishing the U.N.R.R.A.
Executive Order 9395—Additional Compensation of Enlisted Personnel of the Marine Corps Regularly Detailed as Messmen
Executive Order 9394—Amending Subdivision VII of Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules
Proclamation 2599—Merchandise In General—Order and Bonded Warehouses
Joint Statement with Churchill and Stalin on Atrocities.
Statement on Seizure of the Coal Mines.
Executive Order 9393—Possession and Operation of Coal Mines
Message to Congress on the Food Program.
Letter on Seizure of the Coal Mines.
Proclamation 2598—Armistice Day, 1943
Excerpts from the Press Conference
Executive Order 9392—Amendment of Executive Order 9334 Entitled "War Food Administration"
Message to Congress on the Education of War Veterans.
Message to Congress Defending Federal Employees Against Charges of Draft Dodging.
Proclamation 2597—Extra Registration
Executive Order 9391—Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands in the Cherokee National Forest From the Department of Agriculture to the Tennessee Valley Authority
Executive Order 9390—Transferring the Use, Possession, and Control of Certain Lands in the Nantahala National Forest From the Department of Agriculture to the Tennessee Valley Authority
Statement Refusing to Recognize the Philippine Puppet Government.