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Proclamation 2547—"I Am An American" Day, 1942
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 9122—To Amend the Provisions of Executive Order No. 8588 Entitled "Prescribing Regulations Governing the Payment of Expenses of Transportation of Household Goods and Personal Effects of Certain Civilian Officers and Employees of the United States"
Proclamation 2546—Cancer Control Month, 1942
Executive Order 9121—Transfer of Jurisdiction Over Certain Lands From the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of War
Executive Order 9118—Exemption of Harry L. Mickey From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9120—Revocation of Executive Order No. 1023, Reserving Land for the Use of the Department of Agriculture
Executive Order 9119—Enlarging the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
Proclamation 2545—Free Importation of Jerked Beef
Executive Order 9117—Prescribing Regulations Governing Overtime Compensation of Certain Employees of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
Proclamation 2544—Suspending Quotas on Imports of Certain Cotton and Cotton Waste
Executive Order 9116—Extension of the Provisions of Executive Order No. 9001 of December 27, 1941, to Contracts of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, the National Housing Agency, the Veterans' Administration, and the Federal Communications Commission
Executive Order 9114—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes
Executive Order 9115—Withdrawing Public Lands for the Use of the Department of State
Executive Order 9113—Transferring Certain Vessels and Personnel From the Coast and Geodetic Survey to the War and Navy Departments
Executive Order 9112—Authorizing Financing Contracts to Facilitate the Prosecution of the War
Executive Order 9111—Amendment of Section 3 of Executive Order No. 8802 of June 25, 1941, Establishing the Committee on Fair Employment Practice
Proclamation 2543—Establishing the San Francisco, Columbia River, Puget Sound, Southeastern Alaska, Prince William Sound, Kodiak, and Unalaska Maritime Control Areas and Prescribing Regulations for the Control Thereof
Executive Order 9110—Enlarging the Fort Gulick Military Reservation
Executive Order 9108—Directing the Director of the Office of Defense Transportation To Take Control of the Toledo, Peoria, and Western Railroad Company
Executive Order 9109—Revoking in Part Executive Order No. 6583 of February 3, 1934, and Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes
Executive Order 9107—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department for Military Purposes
Statement on Proclaiming April 6 as Army Day
Executive Order 9106—Excepting Certain Persons From the Classification of "Alien Enemy" for the Purpose of Permitting Them to Apply for Naturalization
Statement Approving the Suspension of Anti-Trust Proceedings During the War.
Letter to the President Recommending Suspension of Anti-Trust Proceedings.
Proclamation 2541—Fourth Registration Day
Executive Order 9105—Amendment of Executive Order No. 8704 of March 4, 1941, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Granting of Allowances for Quarters and Subsistence to Enlisted Men
Executive Order 9104—Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as an Aerial Gunnery Range
Executive Order 9102—Establishing the War Relocation Authority in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and Duties
Executive Order 9103—Providing Uniform Control Over the Publication and Use of Federal Statistical Information Which Would Give Aid and Comfort to the Enemy
Executive Order 9101—Withdrawing Public Lands in Aid of Legislation
Statement on General MacArthur's Departure from the Philippines.
Excerpts from the Press Conference
Executive Order 9100—Exemption of August Thomas From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 9099—Excluding Certain Lands From the Manistee National Forest
Appeal to Governors to Conserve Rubber by Reducing Speed Limits
Executive Order 9098—Modification of Executive Order No. 8507 of August 8, 1940, Withdrawing Public Lands for Use of the War Department as an Anti-Aircraft Firing Range
Executive Order 9097—Power Site Restoration No. 496. Partial Revocation of Executive Order of March 27, 1913, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 348, and of Executive Order of December 20, 1916, Creating Power Site Reserve No. 563
Letter to the Economic Club of New York.
Executive Order 9096—Reorganization of the Navy Department and the Naval Service Affecting the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Commander in Chief, United States Fleet