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Executive Order 5858—Establishing the Semidi Islands Wild Life Refuge, Alaska
Herbert Hoover
Message Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Executive Order 5857—Amendments to the Consular Regulations
Statement for the Flag Day Ceremonies of the George Washington Bicentennial Celebration.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of William C. Redfield.
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing the Transfer of Juvenile Delinquents to Local Jurisdictions.
Message to the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Executive Order 5856—Tongass National Forest, Alaska
Commencement Address at Howard University.
Letter to Albert L. Cox on the Proposed Reestablishment of the Council of National Defense.
Message to the National Association of Purchasing Agents.
Executive Order 5855—Assignment of Frequencies to Government Radio Stations
Statement on Signing the Revenue Act of 1932.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Charles G. Dawes as a Director of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Executive Order 5853—Waiver of Maximum Age Limit, George H. Rolfe
Executive Order 5854—Protection of the Northern Pacific Halibut Fishery
Executive Order 5852—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Gladys L. Knight
Address to the Senate on the National Economy
Message to Albert, King of the Belgians, in Response to His Memorial Day Message of Friendship
Executive Order 5851—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Nesta Stephens Long
The President's News Conference
Statement on Emergency Relief and Construction Legislation.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Martha Van Rensselaer.
Message to the National Capital Presbyterian Commission.
Message to the Boys Club of America.
Message to President Augustin P. Justo on Argentina's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5850—Assuming Control, for Military Purposes, of the Municipal Aviation Field, Tucson, Arizona
Message to Ceremonies Honoring George B. Cortelyou.
Message to the Forum on House Construction.
Letter to the President of the American Society of Civil Engineers on the Economic Recovery Program.
Message to the Biblical Seminary.
Message to the Huguenot Memorial Association.
Message to Amelia Earhart on Her Transatlantic Flight
Statement on the Formation of the New York Banking and Industrial Committee.
Message to President Gerardo Machado y Morales on Cuba's Independence Day.
Message to the National Conference of Social Work.
Executive Order 5849—Transferring to Control and Jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy Certain Lands Opposite Balboa, and Establishing Thereon a Naval Base in the Canal Zone
Message to the Quadrennial General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Message to the Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.