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Excerpts of the President's News Conference
Calvin Coolidge
Sixth Annual Message
1928 Budget Message
Address Before the National Grange Convention, Washington, D.C.
Executive Order 4994—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians of the Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska
Address at the Observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the Armistice Under the Auspices of the American Legion in Washington, D.C.
Excerpts of the President's News Conference En Route to Washington from Northampton
Executive Order 4986—Reserving for Use by the Department of Agricultre Certain Areas in the Vicinity of Osborn, Montana
Proclamation 1855—Thanksgiving Day, 1928
Executive Order 4981—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to Indians of the Lower Brule Reservation in South Dakota
Address at Presentation of Medal to Thomas A. Edison
Address Dedicating the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Country Battle Fields Memorial, Fredericksburg, Va.
Executive Order 4979—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments Made to the Indians on the Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska
Address Before the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C.
Address at Bennington, Vermont: "Vermont is a State I Love"
Excerpts of the President's News Conference in Superior, Wisconsin
Address Dedicating a Memorial to Col. William Colvill, Cannon Falls, Minn.
Executive Order 4929—Lands Within the Carson National Forest, New Mexico
Proclamation 1840—Enlarging the Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico