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Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval an Act Removing All Duties on Articles in the Metal, Cotton, Wool and Leather Schedules of the Tariff Law of 1909
William Howard Taft
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval an Act Revising the Schedule of Duties on Wool and Wool Manufactures Contained in the Tariff Law of 1909
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval a Joint Resolution for the Admission of the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona into the Union as States
Message to the Senate Transmitting Authenticated Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and France, Negotiated August 3, 1911
Message to the Senate Transmitting Authenticated Copy of the Treaty Between the United States and Great Britain, Negotiated August 3, 1911
Executive Order 1387—Gila Indian Reservation, Arizona
Message to the Senate Explaining the Administration's Reasons for Eliminating from the Chugach National Forest of Alaska 12,800 Acres of Land Fronting on Controller Bay
Executive Order 1379—Reserving Lands in Southern Florida as Reservation for Seminole Indians
Message to the Congress Concerning the Pure Food and Drugs Act
Executive Order 1374—Reserving Lands for Benefit of Papago Indians
Executive Order 1368—Reserving Land in Arizona for Use of Walapai Indians
Memorial Day Address at Arlington Cemetery
Executive Order 1359—Reserving Land in New Mexico for Indian Purposes
Executive Order 1349—Gila River Reservation
Remarks on the Reciprocal Tariff Agreement with Canada in New York City
Message to the Senate Explaining Assistance Given Shipbuilders by State Department in Contest for Contract to Construct Argentine Battleships
Message to the Congress Directing Attention of Congress to the Reciprocal Tariff Agreement Between the Dominion of Canada and the United States
Executive Order 1322—Pima and Maricopa Indian Reservation
Letter to Richard A. Ballinger Accepting His Resignation as Secretary of the Interior
Proclamation—Convening Extra Session of Congress
Message to the Congress Recommending Approval of the Constitution of New Mexico
Executive Order 1301—Authorizing Sales of Liquor on Lands Ceded by Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior
Executive Order 1300—Authorizing Sales of Liquor on Lands Ceded by Red Lake and Pembina Bands of Chippewa Indians
Executive Order 1299—Ordering Lands Ceded by Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians No Longer Held as Indian Land
Executive Order 1296—Fort Mojave Indian Reservation
Special Message on Canadian Reciprocity
Executive Order 1284—Restoring to Public Domain Certain Lands in Navajo Indian Reservation
Message to the Congress Recommending Legislative Action for the Suppression of the Opium Evil
Message to the Congress on Fund for Reclamation of Arid Land
Message to the Congress on the Boundary Line Between the State of Texas and the Territory of New Mexico
Executive Order 1271—Adding Lands to the Coeur d'Alene Reservation, Idaho
Second Annual Message
Executive Order 1267—Fort Mojave Indian Reservation
Proclamation 1099—Thanksgiving Day, 1910
Executive Order 1256—Adding Lands to the Salt River Indian Reservation
Proclamation 1084—Crow Indian Reservation
Address to the National Conservation Congress in St. Paul, Minnesota
Executive Order 1224—Partially Revoking Executive Order of August 25, 1877 which Reserved Lands in California for Indian Use
Proclamation 1057—Opening Lands in the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian Reservation, Oklahoma
Executive Order 1221—Reserving Lands in New Mexico as Reservation for Pueblo Indians Belonging to Pueblo Laguna