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Special Message
Rutherford B. Hayes
Proclamation 246—Warning Against Unauthorized Settlement in the Indian Territory
Executive Order—Revision of Agua Caliente and Santa Ysabel Indian Reservations
Executive Order—Withdrawing Navajo Territories
Third Annual Message
Proclamation 244—Thanksgiving Day, 1879
Executive Order—Returning Sioux Land in Dakota to Public Domain
Veto Message
Executive Order—Expansion of Pima and Maricopa Indian Reservation
Executive Order
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval "An Act to Prohibit Military Interference at Elections"
Proclamation 243—Warning Against Unauthorized Settlement in the Indian Territory
Executive Order—Approving Land for Chief Moses
Special Session Message
Executive Order—Establishment of Otter Tail and Pillager Chippewa Reservation
Proclamation 242—Convening an Extra Session of the Congress