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Executive Order 6453—Code of Fair Competition for the Cement Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6454—Code of Fair Competition for the Warm Air Furnace Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6455—Code of Fair Competition for the Reinforcing Materials Fabricating Industry
Executive Order 6456—Code of Fair Competition for Investment Bankers
Executive Order 6464—Commercial Bribery Provisions in Codes of Fair Competition Interpreted
Executive Order 6457—Code of Fair Competition for the Chinaware and Porcelain Munufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6463—Extension of Stay of the Provision of the Cotton Textile Code
Executive Order 6458—Code of Fair Competition for the Motion Picture Industry
Executive Order 6459—Code of Fair Competition for the Upholstery and Drapery Textile Industry
Executive Order 6460—Code of Fair Competition for the Wool Felt Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6445—Code of Fair Competition for the Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6461—Code of Fair Competition for the Malleable Iron Industry
Executive Order 6446—Code of Fair Competition for the Anti-Friction Bearing Industry
Executive Order 6462—Code of Fair Competition for the Gas Appliances and Apparatus Industry
Executive Order 6447—Code of Fair Competition for the Pipe Nipple Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6465—Code of Fair Competition for the Structural Clay Products Industry
Executive Order 6448—Code of Fair Competition for the Machine Tool and Equipment Distributing Trade
Executive Order 6466—Code of Fair Competition for the Waterproofing, Dampproofing, Calking Compounds, and Concrete Floor Treatments Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6444-A—Approval of Code of Fair Competition for the Distilled Spirits Industry
Executive Order 6444—Restoring Drill Sites to Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2, California
Proclamation 2064—Emergency Board, Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company-Employees
Address at the Georgia Hall Dedication
Presidential Statement of Non-Intervention in Cuba
Proclamation 2063—Emergency Board, Southern Pacific Lines (In Texas and Louisiana), Texas & New Orleans Railroad Company-Employees
Executive Order 6443—Authorizing the Administrator for Industrial Recovery to Modify Agreements Entered into or Approved by the President Under Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act
Radio Address on Maryland Tercentenary Celebration.
Executive Order 6442—Prescribing Rules and Regulations Under the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933
Exchange of Letters between the President and Mr. Litvinov.
Proclamation 2062—Thanksgiving Day—1933
Executive Order 6441-A—Approval of Code of Fair Competition for the Southern Rice Milling Industry
Executive Order 6441—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification
Executive Order 6439—Delegating Authority Under Section 2(b) and Prescribing Rules and Regulations Under Section 10(a) of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act
Executive Order 6440—Rates of Compensation of Government Employees in Emergency Agencies Not Subject to the Classification Act, and Acts Amendatory Thereof
Address Delivered at Savannah, Georgia
Executive Order 6433—Authorization to Appoint Mrs. Josephine B. Wales
Executive Order 6434—Code of Fair Competition for the Cotton Garment Industry
Executive Order 6435—Code of Fair Competition for the Newsprint Industry
Executive Order 6436—Code of Fair Competition for the Special Tool, Die, and Machine Shop Industry
Executive Order 6437—Code of Fair Competition for the Paper and Pulp Industry
Executive Order 6438—Code of Fair Competition for the Hotel Industry
Executive Order 6438-A—Authorization to Appoint Job K. Jones, Allan B. Walsh, Et Al.
Executive Order 6433-A—Creation of the National Emergency Council
Executive Order 6432—Withdrawal of Public Lands For Resurvey, Wyoming
Communications between the President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Maxim Litvinov of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Speech to C.W.A. Conference in Washington.
Executive Order 6431-A—Code of Labor Provisions for the Retail Food and Grocery Trade
Executive Order 6431-B—Code of Labor Provisions for the Wholesale Food and Grocery Trade
Executive Order 6425—Code of Fair Competition for the Scientific Apparatus Industry
Executive Order 6426—Code of Fair Competition for the Air Transport Industry
Executive Order 6427—Code of Fair Competition for the Gear Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6428—Code of Fair Competition for the Wood Plug Industry
Executive Order 6429—Code of Fair Competition for the Limestone Industry
Executive Order 6430—Code of Fair Competition for the All-Metal Insect Screen Industry
Executive Order 6431—Code of Fair Competition for the Mop Stick Industry
Executive Order 6424—Code of Fair Competition for the Imported Date Packing Industry
Proclamation 2061—Chequamegon National Forest-Wisconsin
Proclamation 2060—Nicolet National Forest-Wisconsin
A Letter Forming the Executive Committee on Commercial Policy.
Executive Order 6423-A—Approval of Code of Fair Competition for the Imported Date Packing Industry
Appeals for Support of the Red Cross