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Proclamation 765—Disposal of Lands in the Former Devil's Lake Indian Reservation, North Dakota
Theodore Roosevelt
Memorial Day Address at Indianapolis, Indiana
Proclamation 755—Opening Lands in the Huntley Project
Special Message
Message to Congress on the Threatened Destruction by the Overflow of the Colorado River in the Sink or Depression known as the Imperial Valley or Salton Sink Region
Executive Order
Message to Congress After Returning from the Canal Zone in Panama
Sixth Annual Message
Proclamation 665—Thanksgiving Day, 1906
Proclamation 659—Opening to Settlement Lands Within the Walker River Indian Reservation
Proclamation 653—Opening to Settlement Certain Lands in the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Indian Reservations
Proclamation 648—Opening of Certain Uinta Indian Reservation Grazing Site Lands
Proclamation 637—Enlargement of the Black Mesa Forest Reserve, Territory of Arizona
Proclamation 632—Uncompahgre Indian Reservation
Proclamation 631—Opening of the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming
Memorial Day Remarks at the Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia
Proclamation 625—Opening of the Ceded Portion of the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana
Remarks at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the Office Building of the House of Representatives: "The Man with the Muck-Rake"
Proclamation 615—Reciprocal Reduction of Duties with Germany
Executive Order—Cancellation of Lands Set Apart in Utah
Executive Order—Modification of Executive Order of May 21, 1887
Proclamation 607—Reciprocal Reduction of Duties with Switzerland
Fifth Annual Message
Letter to Jacob H. Schiff, Read at the Celebration Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Landing of the Jews in This Country Held at Carnegie Hall in New York City
Proclamation 606—Establishment of the Yuba Forest Reserve, California
Proclamation 605—Thanksgiving Day, 1905
Remarks at Sea on Board the West Virginia en Route to Washington, DC
Remarks to Members of the Grand Army of the Republic on Being Presented to the President in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks on Being Presented with a Watch Charm by a Delegation of Confederate Veterans in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks at a Luncheon in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks in Hammond, Louisiana
Remarks in Memphis, Tennessee
Remarks at a Luncheon at Arkansas Consistory in Little Rock, Arkansas
Remarks at the City Park in Little Rock, Arkansas
Remarks in Tuskegee, Alabama
Remarks at the Fair Grounds in Birmingham, Alabama
Remarks at Capitol Park in Birmingham, Alabama
Remarks at the Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama
Remarks at Tuskegee Normal Industrial Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama
Remarks in Mobile, Alabama
Remarks in Flomaton, Alabama
Remarks at a Banquet Given by the St. Augustine Board of Trade in St. Augustine, Florida
Remarks in St. Augustine, Florida