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Statement by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan On Developments in Niger
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Statement by NSC Spokesperson Adam Hodge on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Ballistic Missile Test
Statement by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan Welcoming Iraqi Progress Toward Energy Self-Sufficiency
Statement by Homeland Security Advisor Dr. Liz Sherwood-Randall on Launch of the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats
Statement by NSC Spokesperson Adam Hodge Welcoming Hajj Flights Between Yemen and Saudi Arabia Enabling Yemenis to Perform Religious Obligations
Statement by NSC Spokesperson Adam Hodge on Assisting Canada in Responding to Wildfires
Statement by NSC Spokesperson Adam Hodge Welcoming the Visit of Amir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad al-Thani of Qatar to Baghdad
Trilateral National Security Advisors Statement on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Missile Launches
Complaint Filed in the Case of United States of America v. Donald J. Trump and Waltine Nauta
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Statement by Jake Sullivan on Accountability for the Ongoing Violence in Sudan
Statement by White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt on Cut Growth Act Overnight Deals
Statement from NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson on Senior Administration Official Travel to Colombia
Memorandum for the Attorney General from Rod J. Rosenstein Recommending the Termination of FBI Director James Comey
Letter to the President from Attorney General Jeff Sessions Recommending the Termination of FBI Director James Comey
Toronto Economic Summit Conference Chairman's Summary of Political Issues
Ronald Reagan
Summary of Political Issues by the Chairman of the Ottawa Economic Summit Conference
State Department Statement on the Text of the Anti-War Treaties Signed in the Summer of 1928 With Most of the Great Countries of the World
Calvin Coolidge
State Department Message on Soviet Russia
State Department Message on Reservations of the United States on Joining Permanent Court of International Justice
State Department Statement on the Report of the Niagara Control Board
State Department Statement on the President's Executive Order on Remission of Further Payments of Installments of the Chinese Indemnity
Proclamation by Samuel S. Robison, Rear Admiral, United States Navy, Military Governor of the Dominican Republic—Evacuation of the Dominican Republic
Warren G. Harding
Proclamation by Secretary of State Philander C. Cox—Ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution Authorizing Congress to Lay and Collect Income Taxes
William Howard Taft
Announcement of the Assassination of President McKinley to the Army
William McKinley
Announcement of the Assassination of President McKinley
Formal Record of President McKinley's Death for the Bureau of Vital Statistics
Official Order of Observances of the Death of President McKinley
Public Announcement by the Physicians of the Death of President McKinley
Announcement of the Assassination of President McKinley to Representatives of the United States Abroad
General Order No. 23
James A. Garfield
Special Order
Funeral of President Garfield: Announcement to the Public
Announcement of the Assassination of President Garfield to the Army
Announcement of the Assassination of President Garfield to the Navy
Announcement of the Assassination of President Garfield to Representatives of the United States Abroad
Announcement of the Assassination of President Garfield to Representatives Foreign Governments in the United States
Orders of the Heads of the Executive Departments in Response to the Death of President Garfield
Official Bulletin of the Autopsy on the Body of President Garfield
Public Announcement by the Physicians of the Death of President Garfield
Announcement of the Shooting of President Garfield to Representatives of the United States Abroad