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Press Briefing by Joe Lockhart
William J. Clinton
Press Briefing by Deputy National Security Advisor Jim Steinberg
Press Briefing by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice, Senior Director for African Affairs, NSC, Gayle Smith
Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Acting Assistant Secretary for Western Hemispheric Affairs Peter Romero, Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization Service, Doris Meissner, and Press Secretary Joe Lockhart
Press Briefing by Secretary of Army Louis Caldera and Commander and Chief of Southern Command General Charles Wilhelm
Remarks by Peace Corps Director Mark Gearan to Air Force One Pool
Press Briefing by Director of National Economic Council Gene Sperling and Chair, Council of Economic Advisors, Janet Yellen
Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Deputy Chief of Staff Maria Echaveste, USAID Administrator Brian Atwood, Acting Assistant Secretary of State Peter Romero, Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs Tim Geitner and Major General John Maher, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Press Briefing by Barry Toiv and David Leavy
Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Sandy Berger
Press Briefing by Chris Jennings, Deputy Assistant to the President for Health Care Policy
Press Briefing by Assistant Secretary of State Peter Romero; Ambassador Wendy Sherman, Counselor of the State Department; Assistant Director of Aid for Latin America and the Caribbean Mark Schneider; and Executive Associate Director of OMB Josh Gotbaum
Press Briefing by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Attorney General Janet Reno, National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Office of National Drug Control Policy General Barry McCaffrey, and National Economic Council Deputy Director Lael Brainard
Press Briefing by National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, N.S.C. Senior Director for Interamerican Affairs James Dobbins, White House Office of National Drug Policy, Thomas Umberg, Deputy Director of National Economic Council Lael Brainard, and Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America Peter Romero
Press Briefing by N.S.C. Senior Director for European Affairs Antony Blinken
Press Briefing by Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and Under Secretary of Treasury for Enforcement Jim Johnson
Remarks by Janet Yellen Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors
Press Briefing by Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, Bruce Reed
Press Briefing by Ambassador James Dobbins, NSC Senior Director for Interamerican Affairs
Press Briefing by Colonel P.J. Crowley
Press Briefing by Secretary of H.H.S. Donna Shalala, Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman, and Domestic Policy Advisor Bruce Reed
Press Briefing by Attorney General Janet Reno, Secretary of H.H.S. Donna Shalala, and Richard Clarke, President's National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure and Counterterrorism
Press Briefing by Robert Bell, Special Assistant to the President for National Defense and Arms Control
Press Briefing by Senior Administration Officials
Press Briefing by Secretary of Education Richard Riley and Director of Domestic Policy Council Bruce Reed
Press Briefing by Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman, Domestic Policy Advisor Bruce Reed, and Gene Sperling, National Economic Council
Press Briefing by Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbitt and Acting Chair of Council on Environmental Quality George Frampton