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FACT SHEET: Delivering on the Biden-Harris Administration's Commitment to Democratic Renewal at the Third Summit for Democracy
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
White House Press Release - President Biden Names Forty-Seventh Round of Judicial Nominees and Announces One New Nominee to Serve as U.S. Marshal
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Approves Rhode Island Disaster Declaration
Advisory: Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff to Travel to Colorado and Utah
Doug Emhoff
FACT SHEET: In Nevada, President Biden to Double Down on Plan to Lower Housing Costs and Increase Housing Supply for American Families
Press Release: Bills Signed: S. 206, S. 1858
Statement by the Vice President's Communications Director Kirsten Allen on the Visit of President Arévalo of Guatemala to the White House
Kamala Harris
Advisory: First Lady Jill Biden to Travel to Virginia and North Carolina
Jill Biden
FACT SHEET: President Biden Issues Executive Order and Announces New Actions to Advance Women's Health Research and Innovation
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Takes Historic Action to Ban Asbestos, Advancing Biden Cancer Moonshot