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Nominations Sent to the Senate
George W. Bush
Press Release - Personnel Announcement
Fact Sheet: A Day in Miami: President Bush Highlights Economic Growth and Hurricane Preparedness Efforts
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 5865, the "Returned Americans Protection Act of 2006"
Fact Sheet: Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Signs H.R. 9, H.R. 2872 and H.R. 5117
Fact Sheet: The Adam Walsh Child Protection And Safety Act Of 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 655, Increases Appropriated Grants for National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control
Fact Sheet: Prime Minister Maliki's Meeting with President Bush
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S.J.Res. 40, Requires Printing of Revised Edition of Riddick's Senate Procedure
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 42, the "Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005"
Fact Sheet: White House South Lawn Tee Ball
Fact Sheet: Honoring Immigrant Members of America's Armed Services
Statement by the Press Secretary on Federal Emergency Assistance for Missouri
Setting the Record Straight: President Bush's Foreign Policy Is Succeeding
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 3504, the "Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006"
Fact Sheet: President Bush's Stem Cell Research Policy
Press Release - Presidential Delegation to Attend Inauguration of Alan García Pérez, President of the Republic of Peru
Setting the Record Straight: President Bush's Stem Cell Policy Is Working
Fact Sheet: The President's Accomplishments at the G-8 Summit
Fact Sheet: The Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism
Statement by the Press Secretary on Federal Disaster Assistance for Virginia
Fact Sheet: Strong Economic Growth and Fiscal Discipline Help Reduce Budget Deficit
Setting the Record Straight: President Bush's Strong Record of Addressing Climate Change
Setting the Record Straight: The President's Policies Are Increasing Tax Revenues and Growing Our Economy
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 4912, Rural Health Care Capital Access Act of 2006
Press Release - Presidential Delegation to Attend 800th Anniversary of the Great Mongolian State