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Appointment of Margaret DeBardeleben Tutwiler as Assistant to the President for Communications
George Bush
Appointment of Janet G. Mullins as Assistant to the President for Political Affairs
Appointment of Dennis B. Ross as Assistant to the President for Policy Planning
Nomination of James Michael Reum To Be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Appointment of C. Dean McGrath, Jr., as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Staff Secretary
White House Fact Sheet: The President's Welfare Reform Legislation
White House Fact Sheet: The North American Free Trade Agreement
Nomination of Lois L. Evans To Be United States Representative to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
Nomination of John J. Maresca To Be Special Cyprus Coordinator
Nomination of Brian C. Griffin To Be Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States
Nomination of Harry J. Gilmore To Be United States Ambassador to Armenia
Appointment of Charles A. Gillespie, Jr., as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Nomination of Edward S. Walker To Be United States Deputy Representative to the United Nations
Nomination of Roland Karl Kuchel To Be United States Ambassador to Haiti
Nomination of Robert E. Wallace To Be an Assistant Secretary of Labor
White House Fact Sheet: The President's Welfare Reform Strategy
Appointment of Constance Horner as a Member of the Council of the Administrative Conference of the United States
White House Fact Sheet: The Bush Administration's Policies for an American Technological Revolution
White House Fact Sheet: The State of Wisconsin's Two-Tier Welfare Demonstration Project
White House Fact Sheet: The Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship Program
Nominations to the National Institute Board for the National Institute for Literacy
Nomination of Alan Greenspan To Be United States Alternate Governor of the International Monetary Fund
Nomination of Genta Hawkins Holmes To Be Director General of the Foreign Service
Nomination of Lou E. Dantzler To Be a Member of the National Commission on America's Urban Families
Nomination of Harriet Winsar Isom To Be United States Ambassador to Cameroon
Nomination of John Cameron Monjo To Be United States Ambassador to Pakistan
Nomination of Walter Scott Blackburn To Be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Building Sciences
Nomination of David P. Prosperi To Be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Nomination of Shirley W. Ryan To Be a Member of the National Council on Disability
Nomination of Walter Scott Light To Be United States Ambassador to Ecuador
Nomination of Linton F. Brooks To Be Assistant Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Nomination of Stanley Tuemler Escudero To Be United States Ambassador to Tajikistan
Nomination of John J. Easton, Jr., To Be an Assistant Secretary of Energy
Nomination of Kent N. Brown To Be United States Ambassador to the Republic of Georgia
Nomination of Mack F. Mattingly To Be United States Ambassador to the Seychelles
Nomination of Mary C. Pendleton To Be United States Ambassador to Moldova
Nomination of Robert E. Martinez To Be Associate Deputy Secretary of Transportation
Appointment of Carroll E. Multz as Commissioner on the Upper Colorado River Commission
Appointment of Mark A. Guzzetta as Federal Representative to the Sabine River Compact Administration
Nomination of Hugo Pomrehn To Be Under Secretary of Energy