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Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 1339, H.R. 1845, H.R. 2338, H.R. 3263, H.R. 3641, H.R. 3869, H.R. 3892, H.R. 4053, H.R. 4057, H.R. 4073, H.R. 4389, H.R. 5859, H.R. 6014, H.R. 6260, H.R. 6379, H.R. 6587, H.R. 6620, H.R. 6671, S. 925, S. 3202, S. 3666 and S.J. Res. 49
Barack Obama
Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate
Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 41
White House Press Release - Statement on the Employment Situation in December
President Obama Signs Ohio Disaster Declaration