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White House Statement on Trade With Romania, Hungary, and China
Ronald Reagan
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on United States Policy in the Persian Gulf
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Department of Defense Report on the Strategic Defense Initiative
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Attack Against the U.S.S. Stark
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the President's Meeting With Members of the Philippine-United States Business Committee
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the United States Antisatellite Program
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the International Trade Bill
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Soviet-United States Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers Agreement
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Establishment of a National Commission on AIDS
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Military Rebellion in Argentina
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on Nuclear Nonproliferation Guidelines
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy Investigations
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater Announcing the Sub-Saharan Africa Assistance Initiative
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Philippine Constitutional Plebiscite
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs Howard on the Kidnaping of President Leon Febres-Cordero Ribadeneyra of Ecuador
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Trade With the European Community and Brazil
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Modernization
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Soviet Dissidents Andrei Sakharov and Yelena Bonner
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Taiwan-United States Trade Agreement
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Resignation of T. Burton Smith, Physician to the President
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Resignation of Carlton E. Turner as Deputy Assistant to the President for Drug Abuse Policy
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary for Foreign Affairs Howard on the Soviet-United States Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations
White House Statement on President Reagan's Meeting With President Henri Namphy of Haiti
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on United States Diplomatic and Economic Actions Against Syria
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the American Hostages in Lebanon
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on United Kingdom-Syria Diplomatic Relations
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Pacific Regional Fisheries Treaty
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Arms Reductions
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Iceland-United States Defense Shipping Preference Treaty
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Meetings in Iceland With Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on United States Nuclear Testing Policy
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the President's Meeting With Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the President's Meeting With Congressional Leaders Concerning the Domestic Oil and Gas Industry
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Action by the House of Representatives on the Tax Reform Bill
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Resumption of the Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction Negotiations