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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Readout of the President's Call with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
Barack Obama
Press Release: Remarks of President Barack Obama in Las Vegas, Nevada - As Prepared for Delivery
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts
Press Gaggle by Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton
Press Release: Remarks of President Barack Obama at Smith Electric Vehicles in Kansas City, Missouri - As Prepared for Delivery
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces Presidential Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina to Attend the Ceremony Commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide
Press Release: Remarks of President Barack Obama Announcing the President's Export Council - As Prepared for Delivery
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces Recess Appointments to Key Administration Positions
Statement by the Press Secretary on S. 1660, S. 2865, S.J. Res. 32
White House Press Release - President Obama Provides Progress Report on National Export Initiative, Announces Members of the President's Export Council
Readout of the President's Meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel
Press Release - Administration Officials Continue Travel Across the Country for "Recovery Summer" Events, Project Site Visits
Readout of the President's Conference Call with Ambassador Eikenberry and General Petraeus as Well as Congratulatory Call to Polish Acting President and President-elect Komorowski
Background Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on the Vice President's Trip to Iraq
Statement by NSC Spokesman Mike Hammer on Syrian Convictions of Human Rights Activists
White House Press Release - Vice President Biden, Dr. Jill Biden in Iraq to Visit U.S. Troops, Meet with Iraqi Leaders
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Briefing on the Upcoming Visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Dan Shapiro, Senior Director for The Middle East and North Africa